Visited with vmlopes, natevansate and the monkeyboy! Thanks for waiting.
Not as mangled as Hellingly but a bit trickier to access. There have been lots of recent posts but I thought i'd add a few pics into the mixer. Found the cell, hall, kitchens, main block, shop and a few other wards... which was nice.
Still using my trusty point and click. It was rubbish in the tunnels and dark rooms - gutted.
Not as mangled as Hellingly but a bit trickier to access. There have been lots of recent posts but I thought i'd add a few pics into the mixer. Found the cell, hall, kitchens, main block, shop and a few other wards... which was nice.
Still using my trusty point and click. It was rubbish in the tunnels and dark rooms - gutted.