What Camera Do You Use For Your Urbexing?

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My present pride and joy is my Canon Power Shot' got it off Amazon in a deal that included the strap, memory card, bag and the camera itself plus charger . I'm quite pleased with it nice and light straight forward to use the flash seems to be pretty good for low light levels. I don't have a tripod I find them more of a pain to use so not really a fan of them. My other camera is ok but not as good as my Canon , the other camera is a large Fuji camera and when on a strap is like having a brick around my neck and needs A4 batteries ( does anyone think that Fuji cameras aren't that good?)so rarely use it for Urbexing. Do you think that Smartphone cameras are has good as a camera and is it possible to upload your photos on to sites like Photo Bucket or Flicker?
Do you think that Smartphone cameras are has good as a camera


No no no.

A smartphone camera is never a viable replacement for a proper camera. If it's the only thing you have to hand after chancing upon something to have a look around in, fair game. Otherwise, there is no competition.

I bought my current Canon 550D almost four years ago (and it had already been around a year or so back then) and it hasn't put a foot wrong, it's worked almost flawlessly the entire time, even after it faceplanted a flagstone floor from the top of my tripod. I know the age old debate will rumble on between Canon and Nikon users but from my personal experience, I have had numerous friends using Nikons that have all had theirs break down or malfunction in some usually quite terminal way, whilst my Canon has kept on working through it all.
I use a Canon 700D after starting out with a Canon 1000D. Both great cameras :)
Been discussed before on a thread along with other topics (lenses to use ect ect). You be surprised at many who use that camera on the phone, not saying they are bad or good, but it comes down to what you want to achieve from doing this hobby eg Documentation, arty photos, just general snap shots. I suggest sticking with what you have unless you feel you need to go further, in either field.

Many people will say Canon and Nikon as these seem to be the leading brands for many people. I myself use a Pentax K7 its dust proof and weather proof and so far a wonderful camera for low light photos, but I use this as my everyday camera also. All comes down to personal preference.
nikon d5200 here, also have a canon sx510 if i don't fancy carrying the big stuff.
i have used my phone in emergencies, but it really isn't anywhere near the quality of the other 2.
Since Gerald's RAF Mess site, I've been using a Finepix S602 Zoom dated from 2002.

Despite it's age. I think it still reaches decent standards for my threads. The only downside is I usually need to take spare batteries where ever I go. I shouldn't need to get a new camera anytime soon until something bad happens.
Basically use what you feel comfortable with. Remember with a DSLR you have to lug around kit, a compact you can stick in your pocket. You can upload photos from your PC when your done. Everyone has their own preference as to what to use just take care. What I will say is I have nearly dropped a wide angle lens off the top of the old water tower at Fairmile before now and this was taken with a smartphone from the chimney I hung on to my DSLR [url=https://flic.kr/p/qBEJiD] Looking Down The Chimney by Billy Blue Eyes, on Flickr[/URL]
In good even light phone cameras work quite well, the problem is that's the only time they work quite well, in all other situations they're terrible. It's rare a derelict building has good even light.
I have gone back to using my little Nikon Coolpix, I did buy a Canon DSLR, various lenses, and tripods etc but found lugging it all around a pain, so I'd say, if photography is your thing then go for the best you can afford and add to it as go along, if you just want to share your explores with like-minded folk any point an shoot will get the job done. Stay Safe :eek:
I use Nikon D600. I love it but as a back up I have a Fuji S1730 bridge camera which In all fairness has managed most of my reports. As a back up to those I have a little sony digital camera. All else fails (it has happened) I used my smartphone :)
D800, but I'm looking forward to leaving that at home and shooting with my new toys, a Nikon Coolpix A and Manfrotto PIXI.
I use a 5D Mark 3 and a 24mm 1.4L is my weapon of choice at the moment. Yes it may be expensive and bulky but I stand a better chance getting the shots I might of missed going lighter.
Just recently progressed from a Sony H200 bridge to a Nikon D3200. Works better on high ISO, is faster and responds quicker, which is really appreciated when you know your time in a derp is limited and you're seconds from getting pinched and don't have time for tripod shots! :p That is why DSLRs are worth the bulk! Besides, the amateur ones aren't as chunky as the pro ones in some cases. Also you've got the ability to shoot RAW and change lenses. Everything is just better quality all round is terms of sensor, glass, electronics quality, etc.
I use the one upstairs, it's quite handy as it's in my camera bag.

Oh you mean what sort.....

Nikon D40 with a f4 10mm-24mm wide angle always on a tripod.
The D40 has had a hard life but takes the knocks and bumps well.

Cheers newage
I use a Canon DSLR with a Tokina 11-16mm wide angle lens
I support that with a new Canon compact powershot S120 which although performs admirably, there is no comparison to the DSLR. The bulk is worth it for getting the better shots :)
I use a Nikon D7000 with several lenses but I have been toying with the idea of getting a cheap DSLR like a D40 and an 18-55mm lens just for urbex. Only problem being I haven't been in a derelict building for nearly a year (work commitments). But an SLR will give you good pictures (provided you use it right) - the only thing you have to worry about is the weight and dropping it :)