William Paton Ltd., Johnstone, October 2008

Derelict Places

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Dec 18, 2008
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William Paton Limited was founded at Johnstone in Scotland in 1840 by the twenty-one year old entrepreneur William Paton at the height of the Industrial Revolution. Paton began by meeting the local demand for hemp rope and moved on to the manufacture of cotton rope and a range of tapes. Before laces became the standard shoe fastener, Patons made elastic webbing for boots. Gradually the firm began to concentrate on the manufacture of boot laces before patenting a plaited fabric lace that would ultimately displace the traditional leather product.

The above was taken from http://www.punch.ie - The Punch group bought Paton's in 1990. Paton's mill incorporates part of the very first mill built in Johnstone in 1782, thought to be the first machine factory in the world, predating the New Lanark cotton mill by four years.

This A-listed building now stands empty and rotting after closing in 2003. There are suggestions that it might become a museum or flats.

Around the back, some derelict storage sheds collect empty alcopops bottles.

And some elderly ironwork attached to the chimney.

Inside, first some beautiful old electrical apparatus.

Including a rare Mercury Vapour Rectifier:

Beautiful wrought iron pillars support the ceiling:

And old ledgers moulder away in a cupboard.

Upstairs, the spinning rooms stand empty.

Except for one loom left behind.

Up in the attic, old parts rust away.

And, in another attic, a loom too large to remove.

Down in the basement, the testing lab is still full of equipment.

The sales office is a bit trashed.

But the Directors' cloakroom is untouched.

One of the directors was an art fan.

And the safe is still locked.

Finally, back down into the bowels of the factory.

And out past the beautiful chimney.

As usual, there are lots more pictures in my Flickr set.

Since I wrote this report, I've been back a couple of times, and my girlfriend found a huge stash of ancient paperwork in one of the rooms - very old plans and blueprints, paperwork from engineering companies all over Scotland, and lots more like that. We've been working with the Clyde Heritage Trust to remove the paperwork to a safe place for care and restoration - it's good to actually save something for a change :)
Fantastic explore,great shots & good info,its a cathedral of industry and well done on saving the paperwork ;)
One more batch of pictures from this place - this time on an official visit to retrieve paperwork. We found the boilers:

The dyeing ovens:

The loft above the boilers, thick with soot:

Some old scales (I think):

And the water turbine is down here somewhere:

I've got loads of plans to photograph - will get onto that soon.
This was my first explore, I totally love this place, mainly as I pass it every day in life. I love the fact bits are being saved. Just hope the building can be saved.
We've been working with the Clyde Heritage Trust to remove the paperwork to a safe place for care and restoration - it's good to actually save something for a change :)

Well done that man!

Nice pics of the machinery

I want to pop in here the next time I'm in Glasgow. I was up there on the 22nd, but it was a straight-up-and back trip from Newcastle. Would it be ok to get in touch if I'm up there again?
Superb, what is it with places having a solitary loom left though? Bailey Mill and Knoll Mill in Oldham both spring to mind!
At least with the one in the attic, it's probably because it's up a wee narrow stair, so it'd be too much bother to get out...
Cool place...doing a project on derelict places for my photoraphy college cousre so might take a trip here...i really love the places you can get access to (even if your nt really supposed to!)...will make for some great pics...thanks!!