Windsor Hill Tunnels - Unused historical masterpiece taken over by woodland

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New member
Feb 5, 2018
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I recently got an urge to go on the search for places near to me, and found a gem in the form of two tunnels left unused and open for exploration. The really isn't a lot going on strange things wise, but the tunnels themselves provide a good spook and photography session.
As shown in the pictures there is a viaduct leading you to the tunnels, the bridge itself is restricted with CCTV and gates. But as you head to the tunnels you have to walk down where the railway would of been, with all the tree's hanging ominously over you. But the tunnels themselves are very stable and have exposed limestone where they where not finished, and vegetation has taken over the area. I also think there are chalk marking on the side of the walls which may of been put their during construction. But as a good few hours of exploration and climbing it was really very good.
And to add there are actually two tunnels, the first one being the shorter less scary one, which is the one with photos being snapped all over it. But the second is around 3x longer with a bend, so seeing as you cannot see the end I was not so inclined to stop and take a picture. I promise I wasn't scared xD
I hope I can entertain or interest someone with this discovery and happy exploring to all of you.
Here are a few images I had took, I am still learning my camera so they are not the best.






And yes this is my first post so I'm trying to be as warm and helpful as I can.
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Nice set of images of the short one. The chalk marks date from some track maintenance work in the past or an even more recent 'movement' survey. As you do not show them I cannot comment on them; but the masons lining the tunnel did not use chalk markings back in those days. All markings were chisel cut, if they were in fact needed. Just one thing - your photographs will stand out better with a small gap between each.
Nice set of images of the short one. The chalk marks date from some track maintenance work in the past or an even more recent 'movement' survey. As you do not show them I cannot comment on them; but the masons lining the tunnel did not use chalk markings back in those days. All markings were chisel cut, if they were in fact needed. Just one thing - your photographs will stand out better with a small gap between each.
There are removed bricks every 5-10m actually, For both tunnels. Any suggestions as to what they may be? History or modern ? A single brick that is missing in a constant pattern, its pretty odd