Train Carriage

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 21, 2015
Reaction score
Canvey Island
Sat on its own in a quiet little village is this train carriage that was once used as a waiting room.

Most of the floor has fallen through and other parts are holding on for dear life.

We were greeted by the neighbours on our way back to our car who asked if we were taking photos of the carriage and said 'you do realise that is private land.' We do now :) They turned out to be a lovely couple and even gave us a little history of the place.

24096840489_89fda65939_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-4 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24356321102_a82ad81a9e_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-5 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24096832799_6f9d0ef7d6_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-6 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

23836416594_5f67ef9355_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-7 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24169021840_644df16584_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-8 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24356306272_3c1f502d98_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-9 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24096817009_fe426215c6_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-10 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

23837795523_f8815274a8_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-12 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

24464600985_47df01b629_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-13 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr

Sorry to all you fisheye loathers....
23837799723_20c6fb0bd5_k.jpgDerelict Train Carriage-11 by Malenis Photography, on Flickr
Now if I'm right it's an old Victorian Carriage. There used to be one on the house next door to me. I helped move it and it was one of the most well made things I have come across. Hell of a thing to cut up, that one looks to be rotting away nicely. Great find and photos