I was lucky enough to get into these tunnels via the ghost hunting group I take pictures for so it's a permitted visit - not a break in. I was told the protocols of what I could & couldn't do - so no poking camera through holes in walls, no going through entrances with tape across them (worked out that these were hazardous as I wandered about) & no exploring the BBC or generator areas. Apparently someone had started the generator up on one of the events down here & caused chaos. The place is now used for 3 types of event - ghost hunting - soft air (there are thousands of luminescent pellets all over the floor so when you turn off the torch they look like stars)& zombie hunting with 5.56mm & 9mm blanks - found some of the discarded rounds. There are surveillance cameras about - big cases with little cameras in them so no chance of getting that cheeky little shot. Anyway I respected the rules as best I could and wandered about in here 'till I got lost.
I hope that none of these pictures upset the owners or volunteers as the Ghost hunt crew & me cleaned up after ourselves & guests and left the place neater than how it was when we arrived.
Guest reception area.
Blast door.
Lots of tunnels like this
Taped off areas I didn't venture into
Offices - there were 2 identical ones like this
Strong room
Damp dormitories
Locked Offices with old computers & telephone exchange.
Toilets & showers
Obligatory wheel chair
Electrical detritus (where I got lost)
& really weird **** growing on the bog wall
That's it.
Full set https://www.flickr.com/photos/infraredd/albums/72157677134856995/with/30906853580/
If this offends anyone associated with Drakelow please have this thread deleted. I have nothing but respect for your efforts to preserve this dark & silent place.
I hope that none of these pictures upset the owners or volunteers as the Ghost hunt crew & me cleaned up after ourselves & guests and left the place neater than how it was when we arrived.
Guest reception area.
Blast door.
Lots of tunnels like this
Taped off areas I didn't venture into
Offices - there were 2 identical ones like this
Strong room
Damp dormitories
Locked Offices with old computers & telephone exchange.
Toilets & showers
Obligatory wheel chair
Electrical detritus (where I got lost)
& really weird **** growing on the bog wall
That's it.
Full set https://www.flickr.com/photos/infraredd/albums/72157677134856995/with/30906853580/
If this offends anyone associated with Drakelow please have this thread deleted. I have nothing but respect for your efforts to preserve this dark & silent place.