Gothfather Island ,Wales ,July 2012.

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Lucky Pants

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Veteran Member
Oct 10, 2011
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What we did in our summer holiday.

Me, Mrs Lp, Sshh.. and Altdayout spent part of our holiday in Wales at Gothfather Island Farm.
The journey was long , a slight knocking and pulling to the right whilst accelerating in the car meant something was wrong but did not realize how wrong till we arrived .



The brown coats and the two bears where there on arrival to greet us after we managed to time the tides right
and avoid any sink sand.


First off to the amusements but the machines seemed to be broken :( hey hoo never mind we have the whole island to enjoy.



The master bedroom.


Good job we had pack lunches, kitchen closed for hygiene reasons.


The animals in the petting Zoo seemed a little weird, slighty stare crazy .


The staff must have got us mixed up with honeymooning couples and ran out of rose petals, so used cushion filling instead, nice touch i thought:).

The entertainment ,time to go check out the disco but the cheesy DJ did nt turn up ,gutted :(.


Feeling slightly disappointed as i love doing the chicken dance with the brown coats , time to get to the beach crack some beers open and get the fire blazing, while all the time the tide was surrounding us, then listen to the sea lap on the rocks just feet away from where we set up camp as if easing us off to sleep only broken by loud snoring as alt and sshh.. s tent was rather close ;)

And that concludes a part of what we did on are summer holidays nothing special just what thousands do year in year out up and down the country.
Thanks for looking campers :).​
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Haha,great write up and fab pics!! What a great time we had, that was one of the most fun splores ever! Who are me and Alt supposed to be?? The snoring, that would have been Alt, bet they heard him on the mainland!! Noisy sod! :lol:
This was a superb adventure stylee splore, armed with the local tide tables, we purposely morooned ourselves on an island to splore and party, having an island to ourselves on a hot summers day and night was just ACE!!!


AS Luckypants stated the arcade machines were a bit oldskool


A bit messy but not out and out filthy and hey presto the fireplace is still here


Once owned by a fabulously rich land owning family of Lords and ladies its been abandoned for years and years, another place they owned a long way from here rather seemingly unconnected is

also covered


Not masses to see, most artedfacts being in the outbuildings and genny room


The gardener has long given up


nothing like a beach fire to end a splore day


Brief vid of this part of our Wales splore tour.


Thanks for peeking :D
that picture 'master bedroom', is utterly stunning. looked at that and thought, damn, i wished i had shot that!, the colors are beautiful. the other images are great to, fab report, thanks for sharing.

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