Busted at Chapel Anciens

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Moderate Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
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Apologies for the lack of externals, I normally take them on the way out, but as we got busted I kinda forgot!

No real info on the place, it was an old religious hospital, so there were still beds / various bits of medical paraphinallia, as well as beautiful chapels. Visited on a lovely summers day with Osfa, UrbexDad, JC101, and Priority 7.


Typical room:

The paperwork had been unceremoniously piled into one room, there was literally tonnes of it:

Old paperwork:

Up to the roofspace:

Oooh, a cool tower:

Haddy…hup! Eeew, pigeon poop central!

Another cool bit of light in the roof:

The Chapel:






All was going well, we’d finished our shots and was just about to pack up our gear and leave. Osfa came down the stairs and whispered that he’d seen the Police outside, and that maybe we should go upstairs and just wait them out.

Suddenly, our dark silent world then became full of bright torches scanning the room, and shouting in French. Blinded by the light, I noticed that the torch closest to my face was attached to a handgun. The shouting continued, but to no result, they just kept shouting “Francais!” and we just kept replying “English?”

Despite the language barrier there was enough of them to organise us all into a stress position against the cold basement wall. Its at these moments, hundreds of miles from home, in the dark basement of an abandoned hospital, with a loaded gun pointing at your head, you begin to wonder “Should I have just taken up badminton instead?”

After a heated exchange of crackling radio messages (all in French) we could hear someone bumbling through our access point. The chief had arrived. He spoke fantastic English, was polite, and you could tell he was very well educated. His torch shone along the row of five SLRs all on tripods, and he told us to stand at ease, he was clearly embarrassed by the situation that his boys had put us in. (At this point without wanting to push my luck, I managed to flick my camera onto video mode, and hit ‘record’.)

He knew exactly what we were doing, but didn’t quite understand why? Luckily we were next to the entrance to the main chapel, and he stuck his head through the access. We were then all treated to a “Whooaaa” before he decided to force himself through the access for a better look “Zis is bootiful!”.

Anyway, he escorted us to the car, complimented us on the car and me on my camera (I told you he was educated), we all shook hands and we were on our way!

Thanks for reading. Video coming soon.
We had 9 officers at a site in France this weekend, luckily they kept their guns in their holsters but they were similarly well spoken and polite once it was established we only had cameras and weren't about to torch the place! I think everyone has been making up how bad the police in France are :p

Need to see this place myself but I might give it a bit!
We had 9 officers at a site in France this weekend, luckily they kept their guns in their holsters but they were similarly well spoken and polite once it was established we only had cameras and weren't about to torch the place! I think everyone has been making up how bad the police in France are :p

Need to see this place myself but I might give it a bit!

I think a lot of it is the locals being more vigilant. Had a few experiences with them. These were Belgian, but yeah a bit of a contrast between the ranks. The armed guys were probably only about 19-20 too!
I love the Belgians and their accents, if you are close to the Netherlands they will speak their native tongue and then halfway through finish the rest of it in fluent English lol.

And that is when they are speaking to locals, not us!

Glad you got out okay, it's never nice being put in the stress position in another country, it gives you a right kick in confidence especially when you say "pa le vous anglais" or "spreken ze English", (the most 2 important phrases to English speaking explorers traveling to France or Germany) and they say in a firm manner "NON" or "NEIN"

And then a play of sherrards ensues (whilst in the stress position) to try and explain why you are there lol.
it gives you a right kick in confidence especially when you say "pa le vous anglais" or "spreken ze English", (the most 2 important phrases to English speaking explorers traveling to France or Germany) and they say in a firm manner "NON" or "NEIN"

And then a play of sherrards ensues (whilst in the stress position) to try and explain why you are there lol.

Very true.

My top tip for making things go smoothly with the Law abroad is ALWAYS carry your ID on you. We got apprehended in Ukraine (non urbex related), the first thing they done was sort us into groups that had ID, and those that didn't:
  • Those that did were released.
  • Those that didn't were subject to an evenings waste of time and demands for $100 each.

Two years later in Ukraine, exact same thing again (on the same spot)

In Belgium, although it was no hassle, one of our number didn't have his ID, and had a lot more explaining / scrutiny than the rest of us.
In Belgium, although it was no hassle, one of our number didn't have his ID, and had a lot more explaining / scrutiny than the rest of us.

Reading what you put, it's even more surprising then that of the 8 police who surrounded us at Grand Moulins, none asked for any of our IDs! I'm guessing though that the guy back on the roadside ran the plates on the car etc though.
I bet you nearly pooed yourselves at the time but later laughed about it! I'd say you have got some great memories to reminisce about. Great report and pics, I enjoyed :)