Why aren't you saying where it is?
Doesn't look like the London Bus Export Company in Lydney, although roughly the same size.
Hello Mid Diesel mate, I must have missed this thread when originally posted, what a superb set of photos you have there, and another excellent find! When are you moving in?
Do you fancy a certain scrapyard in an airfield site shortly fella?
Whay sort of area is this lot in?
'Cos in post 10, picture 8, there is a building that you can just see over the top of the bus on the right. And it looks a tad like an orlit?
Cracking stuff, missed this first time round
I was going to ask a similar question, some of the background buildings are very WW2 airfield-esque...
The stagecoach bus actually looks in better condition than the buses that still operate around here
wow.. fantastic photos. Please tell me what camera you use? i am well envious they are so crisp and clear!
Ooh, what a find!
I wonder how they all ended up there?