A school. Kaliningrad. Russian Federation.

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I travel alone. Wanderlust
Feb 20, 2019
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So me and my new best buddy rocked up in Gastellowo,( formerly when in East Prussia, Groß Friedrichsdorf) a small town in the enclave, which was good actually as I was getting a little nauseous from the chain smoking cigarette smoke that was creating a lovely blue haze around me.

What was once a fine Saab 900, now a bone shaker held together by rust and duck tape, was bereft of windows that actually ******* opened and a passenger seat that actually slid backwards and forwards when the brakes were applied. Thankfully the seat belt was in full working order.

Königsberg was the easternmost city in Germany until World War II.

The city was heavily damaged by Allied bombing 1944 and during the Battle of Konigsberg 1945; it was then captured and was given to the Soviet Union on 9 April 1945.
Its German population was expelled and the city was repopulated with Russians and others from the Soviet Union.
It was renamed "Kaliningrad" in 1946 in honour of Soviet leader Mikhail Kalinin.


Adolf Hitler Schools were elite boarding schools run by the SS in Nazi Germany from 1937. Their aim was to indoctrinate young people into the ideologies of the Nazi Party and were for young people aged 14 to 18 years old with three schools for girls and the rest for boys.

Selection for admission to the schools was rigorous; pupils were chosen for their political dedication and physical fitness, as opposed to their academic prowess. Activities focused on political indoctrination rather than academic studies. The SS often selected future officers from the schools


Getting in was a piece of cake, didn't know what to expect, probably the scrotes have got in and trashed the place, just another manky DERP.




How wrong could I have been, let's look at some Soviet treasure.

"GRAPHIC SOLUTION OF A SYSTEM OF SECOND DEGREE EQUATIONS" I don't even know what that means let alone doing the sums.


Full instructions on how to measure for fitting a child's gas mask




So much Vintage, nostalgic treasure just lying around, it was quite overwhelming.


Inadvertent selfie LOL






At first I thought this was a "stranger danger" warning, but it seems that "They defended the Homeland"

The school closed it's doors in 2012 and has remained empty ever since.
I had a giggle at his mode of transportation. Reminds me of once in Berlin I hopped on a taxi to take me to Spandau Prison and it was a battered 1960s or 70s Trabant. I'm sure that each time the guy changed gear that the engine was going to fall out of it's mountings.
I had a giggle at his mode of transportation. Reminds me of once in Berlin I hopped on a taxi to take me to Spandau Prison and it was a battered 1960s or 70s Trabant. I'm sure that each time the guy changed gear that the engine was going to fall out of it's mountings.
most people went to spandau in vans, you must have been special LOL

I'm a control freak when it comes to driving. I'm the worst passenger! The geezer driving wouldn't be the only one chain smoking 😆 probably make the guineas book of records too for the most swear words in the shortest space of time.
very good - I especially like the photo of the room with books and papers all over the floor while a carefully arranged display of black and white Communist Heads looks down.
I've heard that the best Soviet education was very good on maths, science, and engineering ('second degree equations..')
That's pretty impressive, lots of Soviet ephemera which helps to make trips like this worthwhile. Interesting also to see Nazi-era architecture outwith what's now Germany, judging by appearances this school could just as easily be in Berlin. I bet the first thing the Soviets did in 1946 was to chisel off or deface any German eagles.

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