Balneario Spa - Gran Canaria 2024

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Hi All

Well still on with the holiday in Gran Canaria theme, the place is fantastic but "Tripadvisor" you lying B*******s.
I thought I would try somewhere different so I was looking for a Spa and I did find one but horror upon horror it was closed and
all locked up when I got there.
I had to squeez through a gate to have a look around, oh do stay to the end of the post for some bonus sexy underground tunnels.

Ummmmmmm Tunnels.

Picture time



Going inside the Spa

After walking around outside myself and Marc B came across this little beauty, cool air coming out and after poking a torch in to the darkness it was
way to inviting not to get in and explore.

This tunnel goes a long way in to the mountain, about 200m in there is an enormous vent shaft, but the tunnel carries on much further another 200 to 300M
in and the tunnel splits in to 2 separate passages, I did explore one of the split tunnels but the heat and humidity was getting bad, I could`t take picture
passed this point as my camera just fogged up.


This is the bottom of the vent shaft, it looks to be 40-50m to the surface.

And on we went......

Then the tunnel splits in to 2 tunnels, I chose the right hand branch but after about 10-15m in the humidity was just too much.

Right there you go day trippers.
Thanks for looking and as usual all and any comments are most welcome.
There are a few more pictures on my FlickR so head over and have a wee mooch through them. (Link below)

Derelict Spa FlickR album page

Cheers Newage

What on earth was that all about? Looks like something never finished using existing caves? Very interesting!
Curious mixture of hand-hewn tunnel and crude poured concrete using forming and some sort of slabs across the top. I presume the iron pipe was a water pipe, but where from and where to? Perhaps WWII era?

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