Bramham House, Yorkshire, June '09

Derelict Places

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So many grand victorian houses around Leeds are left to end up this way. I dont know if Leeds is particulary bad for it or if other cities are the same, but so much of the once proud history of the city is left to fall away to nothing.

Very similar recent history to this place as to Elmete Hall (search the forum), a grand gentlemans residence taken over by the local authority, used as a childrens home and then left to the thieves and the elements. So very sad.

Great story and nice pictures, you seem to have a lot of background on the place.
such a nice building, it will b a shame to see what will happen to it as everything around it is being made into flats / houses
Will have to make a trip back before it goes!.
What a wonderful building, it's such a shame to see it in the condition it's in with the roof tiles missing. :(

Love the wallpaper, and fireplaces, and the dome. In fact, love the whole place, it looks gorgeous, even in it's present state. Excellent write up, and good work on finding the old pictures of the building with the children there too.

Excellent work BF, I do like this, I like this a lot. :)

:) Sal
I bet that was a once beautiful house now ruining by theft of roofing and left to rot.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures and the info you put up is an added bonus:)
Just found some history on this website. :)

Here's more info on the children's home. :)

Bramham House Children `s Home.

After acquiring the house in 1947 , and as a result of the Children's Act of c. 1948 , the West Riding C.C. opened a home for children in unsafe or unhappy family circumstances . All the brothers and sisters of a family were kept together at Bramham House , which was not used at this stage as an institution for maladjusted or delinquent children.

Thus it became, for as long as necessary, their family home, under a succession of administrators: Mr. & Mrs. Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Bradbury, and finally, under this WRCC regime, Mr. & Mrs. Hale , who has added a note on the Home in their time.

On local government re‑organisation in 1974 Leeds took over the running of the Home , as a result of which the admission policy changed. The Hales left, and thereafter children on remand and delinquents were admitted to join the family groups still present. This caused many problems. A description of the life of the children's home was written for the Archive by Mrs. Hale, as above.

Some history from a child who lived there.

Hope that helps?

:) Sal
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Cheers Sal, that is indeed the correct one.
Bramham Estate, where the Leeds Festival and the Bramham Horse Trials are held are fairly nearby. There were a couple of abandoned houses on their estate.
Hope Hall, which is now being renovated.



And this wonderful house, which sadly was inaccessible, mainly due to a lot of cameras etc.


Thanks for the nice comments folks.
I love those last two pics of the other house. Hope all of the buildings get renovated soon, and put back into use. They're too good to be just left to rot.

:) Sal

I agree.

I'm confused over what the house is really called that I know as Bramham House?
The main house on the Estate is called Bramham Park, this was reduced to a burnt out shell in 1828 and finally restored just prior to WW1. Not complicated so long as one remembers that the Lane Fox family live in a house called Bramham Park which is situated within the Bramham Estate. Bramham House, the derelict former children's home and subject of this report, was built as a private house in 1806 and was only owned by the Lane Fox Estate between 1814 to 1856. Originally purchased as a small estate for the son of the Estate's 'incumbent' at that time, it was used as the family seat after the 1828 fire.
bramham house childrens home

as an ex resident, leaving the home in 1977, i was heartbroken to see my old childrens home in its present state, i left as a mixed up 15 year old to move on to foster care
bramham house/bramham park

as a 14/15 year girl, i was in bramham house, during which time i worked at bramham park for the lane foxs, i would help in the cafe or where ever i was needed on weekends and school holidays, they were very kind to me
bramham house childrens home

i was in bramhouse as a young teenager, it was called bramham house, not bramham park, that was the big place on bramham park over the other side of the a1
Cheers Andrea, it is always nice when people who lived and worked in these place provide more information about the place.

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