Brandenburg Psychiatric Hospital. ***IMAGE INTENSIVE***

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Very similar to St John's in Lincoln. Seems like mental health issues were tackled from a unified perspective in terms of the layout, architecture and interior decoration?
@ Smiler. It felt rather... I dunno, sad? If I had known the Nazi involvement it would have been oppressive. Just shows how knowledge affects your outlook.

@ the occipital. I get where you are coming from bug its actually not remotely like Lincoln or any other UK asylum mainly because the entire site is villa plan which is rare for UK asylums, Barrow Gurney and the one near Derby being the obvious exceptions. The architecture is very different too - the ward blocks were very uniform in layout and style but there are a lot of small buildings dotted about, purpose unknown, much more like Beelitz. But don't forget, this started as a TB sanatorium and only became an asylum (or mental hospital, I'm not sure about their nomenclature in Germany) so it looks very much more like its contemporaries in other parts of Germany. The length of the admin block does remind one of the long corridors in UK asylums though very, very much.
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