Bus Garage / Tram Depot. -Colchester, Essex. June, 2008 part 1
A very good afternoon to you all
I noticed that the big metal doors had remained closed on the Bus Garage for a few weeks, then managed to grab some spare time and have a sneaky peek inside this often overlooked little jem.
At first glance, this just seems like another Council-built 1950's Garage / Depot. However, dig a little deeper, and you might find much more

I've been told by one of the more "senior" bus drivers that the site was originally used for Colchester Borough Transport's Trams. First Horse-drawn, until converted to overhead electrically powered in the first decade or so of the 20th. Century.
Armed with this information, things started to become much clearer. The building to the right with the open front were originally the tram sheds, and although the floor has been concreted at some stage, amazingly, they didn't cover over all of the tram tracks -original features -can't beat 'em!

Also, between these "sheds" and the 1950's Garage with the huge metal doors, lies one of the original Horse-drawn Tram buildings. Brick-built with huge windows. Looking at the architecture, I'd guess it was built in the early part of Queen Victoria's reign? (1840's). This building could easily be missed, as a more modern Office / Reception block has been "bolted" onto the front, I'd say in the 1950's.
Okay, so that's enough of the history and waffle -on with the photos! (to follow shortly)