Fallen Soldiers House - (Unfallen)

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It is up to each of us to decide whether to photograph personal details of the folk who inhabited the places we enjoy exploring, I personally have never been easy reading other folks mail so I don't. That's my choice and other nosey sods are entitled to take a contrary view, as long as we all respect the places we visit and follow the code we set ourselves, I have no problem with it.
That's only half true though isn't it, only one or a small handful of people may be responsible for what happens to the stuff, but the stuff itself could relate to a hundred people who have no say in the matter and who might be very bothered to find things relating to them published on the internet. Plus it's not like it's fair game. We use a very dubious legal loophole to access this stuff in the first place. Even if people don't care about taking ownership of it that doesn't mean they're okay with it being fair game for any nosey person.

It's all good, I'm just saying that just because something is "abandoned" doesn't mean no-one cares or won't be hurt by it, and it might be worth considering that when posting up personal stuff.
Get your point but I recently read John Harris book No Voice From The Hall, A Country House Snooper.During the post war years many country houses were abandoned and many had personal pecessions left behide even paintings that even at that time were worth a few hundred pounds dumped in rooms. It's never creases to amaze me what is left for all to see , the reasons are many no family or simply its too much to handle for who is left. One of my rules is never to photo letters or family photos more out of respect than anything unless it of huge historical importance but that is very rare indeed.
Good to see this again, but sad to hear about the new residents
since my visit I have often wandered what happened to him; and why the next of kin haven't emptied the place or made any attempt to secure the place.
Its all very sad
I wanted to call it the Kylie House when Wombat and I explored it due to the Fantastic Kylie Calendar. Alas it had already been named House Of The Fallen Soilder
Cheers for all the lovely comments everyone!

I wanted to call it the Kylie House when Wombat and I explored it due to the Fantastic Kylie Calendar. Alas it had already been named House Of The Fallen Soilder

I couldn't find any evidence of previous military service - only the Kylie calendar... I think it should be renamed!:p

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