Don't know how to say this....... We went back very recently and the fox was 'sleeping' exactly as before! Sadly he was dead all along and my son must have only thought he saw his ear twitch. Amazingly, tho his body was still 'full' and intact due to the prolonged cold weather no doubt. He still looked lifelike. A shame tho.
The owl in the old barn was there again, and very much alive
Sadly we found much more moronic graffiti this time, many of the rooms had been painted with the idiots 'badge of honour' On our first visit we only found one room decorated. The graffiti even extended to the ancient brickwork inside the old barn. A barn that is grade 2 listed. I'm going to contact the owners and advise them on what I have seen. Because I think they should at least secure the barn from these soulless fools.
We got busted here a few years back Pauly. 2 squad cars and an angry old farmer. Apparently he takes shooting parties on his land of which the farm is a part, for deer and such like. I'm surpried you didn't end up with a 7.62mm rifle bullet through your head!. It's known as Planet Farm by the way.
Ha ha, no we didn't see an angry farmer. I did know the name of the place but was keeping quiet about it in case of pikey trolls looking for places to pilfer metalwork from!
Mr Fox is far safer and secure in there than in his more natural habitat a few miles away. That place seems to be frequented by lamping townies armed with high powered air rifles these days!