French family holiday pt5 - August 2014

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Hi All

This is the last post from my holiday to france, it`s a bit of an odd one this, REAL ODD.

Just a little background, so I`m in a car with the wife and we are on a wine tour, you know the guide drives and me and the good lady drink.... oh yes.
So the conversation turns to photography so what do you like to photograph says the guide, oh fighter jets says I, oh if you like planes you should visit "Chateau De Savigny-les-Beaune"
he`s got lots.
OK right, I`m thinking a French Chateau in the middle of the wine growing region of Dijon has lots of planes.


So thats the Chateau, nice ain`t it, now as with everything else in France there is always a surprise waiting around the next corner.
Now if you turn around and look the other way you get to see this.............


Yep it`s a Belgian F16
Now this Chateau is in the middle of a very small french village, there are vine yards all round the village and there is NO airport, NO airbase, nothing even related to aviation.

So sit back and enjoy the very best the cold war had to offer..







So there you have it, two weeks on holiday with the wife and family sitting by the pool.
Thanks for looking as normal there are a shed load more pictures on my FlickR page so pop over to :-
for more cold war jet goodness.

Cheers newage
I thought there might be one or two but not this many, it's a bizar collection in the middle of no where.

The place is now run as a museum but still worth a visit, it's sort of the Big boys book of Cold War jets
All sat out in the sun.

Cheers la newage

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