I was over in the North West yesterday visiting a truck graveyard, couldn't resist visiting a few places in Manchester whilst I was in the area. I did not go into any of these, being a weekday, and hundereds of Police for the Labour conference, I didn't fancy joining George Michael, if you catch my drift 
Guardian Exhange George St Entrance - high security indeed:
Arty shot of the Odeon:
Tourist trap 'No 2 Harter St', stunning building, and I was being watched by the Chinese whilst taking this (it's in Chinatown!)
Manchester Mayfield station:
Foden graveyard (with the kind permission of the owner):
A good day, summed up as 'lots of Fodens, lots of dereliction, and twice being propositioned by 'ladies of the night' whilst photographing Mayfield, now I bet that ranks as an unusual day in anyones books, all good stuff

Guardian Exhange George St Entrance - high security indeed:

Arty shot of the Odeon:

Tourist trap 'No 2 Harter St', stunning building, and I was being watched by the Chinese whilst taking this (it's in Chinatown!)

Manchester Mayfield station:

Foden graveyard (with the kind permission of the owner):

A good day, summed up as 'lots of Fodens, lots of dereliction, and twice being propositioned by 'ladies of the night' whilst photographing Mayfield, now I bet that ranks as an unusual day in anyones books, all good stuff