As I said earlier, and in the blog post, it was named after a billboard seen on the trip. The title of the trip was decided unanimously by all four explorers on the trip. No disrespect was intended. It was just a shocking billboard that led to a lot of humour. These overly dramatic responses are more shocking than the billboard to be honest. They are just words people. If you are really that offended you didn't have to click the post. I suggest watching George Carlin's 7 words on YouTube, that might give some insight into my perspective on the use of language.
Again, no disrespect intended. We knew the title had some zing to it, but if one doesn't take everything do damn serious they'd realize it is not worth getting all bent out of shape over. Those that say they'll not read anything else I post because of two words, are you really that closed minded. You know, it's not like I advocated for the holocaust. I also have an abandoned Jewish Yiddish kids camp on my blog with every photo named with a Yiddish name. Also, as a young teen, a girlfriend of mine had an abortion and told me she had a miscarriage. When I found out the truth it destroyed me. But it didn't make me so fragile that I simply can't hear or use the word in a comical or bizarre context.
Innapropriate, yes, that was the point, the days humour followed in that path. But they are just words, they don't have any actual power until you give it to them.