Says the man that sits for hours waiting for a bird to fly by....15 secs at a rough guess

Have to day I think I need some professional help...too many hobbies I want to do and keep adding to them:
Model making used to do 1:72 scale but my eyes need binoculors to do those now so moved to 1:35 but boy I remember when airfix was a £2.99 kit and super basic no we are talking Dragon £50-60 a kit and made to be a precision replica of someone like Wittmans last Tiger Tank.
Just started on Mudlarking which I have to say is really relaxing and I got to spend 4 hours on the thames foreshore with Steve Brooker from MudMen last weekend.
Want to give Metal Detecting a go.
FInally for now bottle dump digging but feel like I did when I started in the hell do you find a cool location.