Living in Chernobyl (Pic heavy)

Derelict Places

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Hey, some really good points.
It is possible to 'clean' an area to some extent. The town of Chernobyl was cleaned to be used as an admin base. The background radiation there was less than where I sleep in Cambridge!

I think logistically it would be too bigger job to demolish. The radioactive dust would become airborne and start blowing around.

I think the buildings are too far gone to restore now. They are destroying themselves through harsh winters and blazing summers. A few years ago a school collapsed in the middle of the night. My guide reckons it'll be less than 5 years until the buildings are deemed top unsafe to enter. :(
Excellent report!! I've just spent a lazy Sunday afternoon reading this and felt like I was on a 'mini adventure' myself! Well written and excellent pics, thank you :)

That's lovely to hear, thank you.

I'm hoping to pop a couple of videos up this week (Dereliction Addiction 9&10) from this trip. It's a mixture if still and walkthrough videos, as well as driving abou the city and negotiating checkpoints "NO FOTOGRAFF!!" the only video I'm not including is the wasted guards - I still want to be welcome next year! :p
Wow, what an incredible report, I know I'm new to this site but that was amazing for all the reasons mentioned above and more.
I'm so envious that you experienced it first hand, but grateful that you did as it meant I could experience it as real as possible without going there myself (which sadly, I think will never happen).

Thanks again, now for the links you provided, no sleep for me lol :)
Only just seen this - Awesome stuff & I speak for everyone when I say it's appreciated you've shared & also how well the report has been put together & that is BEFORE I've looked through the full reports on your website.
that is the bestest ever ever report i have read...what a fasinating and emotional place..i could of read more and more about it..gosh well done you, ..sleepless nights of research no doubt payed off..Brilliant..i would love to go...very envious..but on the other hand the way the report was written youve given us a truly great insite into what you did and saw.
Cheers guys and gals, it was truly life changing.
I'm in the process of getting myself back there(for something pretty different yet again ;) ) but the zone opens and closes sporadically and without warning.
I asked the government agency if could book the equivalent to 32 day trips back to back, money no object...and they said "no!" :eek:
Fantastic Report

This was just so engaging. What radiation levels in rotegens did you encounter
This was just so engaging. What radiation levels in rotegens did you encounter

Im not sure TBH, all our counters were in Micro Sirverts.
Where I slept in Chernobyl was 0.16
Most of Pripyat was 1-3
Reactor 5 was around 3-8
Reactor 4 was 4-7
Red forest was 18
Helicoptor sand bucket used directly above open reactor 4...584 msv

It's all about limiting your time in the 'hot' places!
I must admit that the Chernobyl disaster was something of a fascination for me as a teenager (20 years ago :p) & has been ever since, so I found this report thoroughly engaging & truly amazing.

Thank you for taking the time to share it all in such an indepth & moving way.


I signed up after seeing this post when I was noseying about, I have always had a fasination with Pripyat and Chernobyl, what happened, what is left behind and the people who still choose to live and work in the location.

I wanted to say this report was amazing, and done with so much compassion and passion.. really well done and much respect to you :)

It was a wicked trip, we had such a laugh doing this. People wandering off, the ever patience of our guide, the non-english speaking driver that was armed to the teeth. The "young and radioactive"

And Kvass (bring me back some when you next go)...!

May stick up a few of mine, only 9 months late...
Cheers, you will be much missed this year.
I still need to share footage of the trance bus in full swing!
Thanks to you, I have had to buy a wide angle and book another trip!