Lordship Farm - Hertfordshire - August 2024

Derelict Places

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Mar 16, 2024
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Lordship farm consists of a few stables, a very empty warehouse, some silos, a grade II listed barn that has had other barns extended of it and a whole lotta bird crap. To be honest it's not really much unless you like barns and bird crap. The farm is located on the outskirts of Hertfordshire alongside a few other farms I know of, the area is full of them. Anyway, on with it.


Over to the right of this path is a house wich Is still very much occupied. I wasn't even 100% sure this place was derelict at first, so for all we knew we were possibly wandering onto an active farm and so I was ready to encounter an angry farmer. However it was surprisingly quiet, especially considering that it was 3 in the afternoon. The barn to the right with the wide open door and the window at the top is the grade II listed building, wich is where we first ventured into.


The first thing I noticed as I walked in was the abundance of bird crap everywhere, the second thing was how old and diplidated the walls were, I then started to grasp how old the place really was. The missing bricks didn't make us feel very safe however we came to the conclusion that it was the wooden beams supporting the place and the bricks are just filler.


Alongside the walls we started to notice the very evidently wonky and bowed roof. Infact I think this wasn't caused over time and was actually just built this way for some reason, as there seems to be more bricks on the wall to right then on the wall to the left.


After going under those two brick "doorways" i looked right and there was a white door and a window that had ivy and bursting through them, and even through the roof, inbetween the door and window were some hooks wich I don't know what they where used for, but they're too big to be a coat hangars.


Looking to the left of the room we noticed some evidently "newer" unfinished brickwork and a doorway wich went into the more modern barn wich was an extention to the original listed one by the looks of things.

But this didn't go anywhere and was walled off, by a wooden fence/wall. We turned back around and continued to the next barn there was a perfect hole in the wall wich I didn't actually get a photo off.



After squeezing through the very narrow filthy hole in the wall we were greeted with quite a pleasant sight. Another barn extended onto the listed barn had ivy growing into the walls and through the roof. The light shining perfectly through the holes in the building made for an excellent photo and a very nice place to have a doobie.





After smoking some of the wacky bacci and feeling rather happy, we continued on with a much less anxious mindset and weren't really all that bothered about an angry farmer anymore. Going through the door in the northern face of the barn we were met with some stables wich judging by the copious amount of webs they seem to be occupied mostly by alot of our 8 leggeded arachnid friends nowadays.



After walking down the walkway past the stables we were greeted with another building wich was very overgrown and required some perseverance to get to. I don't know what it was used for but ones things for sure, it's not used for anything anymore.




Turning 180° I could now see a more of an open sheltered area to the left of the previous walkway opposite the stables.


After Clearing that section of the farm we decided to walk around the back of the property and circle round to the buildings at the start wich we missed out on. As we were walking around we heard the roaring of an motorbike/quad bike approaching so we quickly got inside this building, wich is the building in the middle of the first photo and the closest one to us in the first photo. After hearing the quadbike shut its engine off relatively far away, we carried on more cautiously. This building was really much except for some shelves, a wheel barrow, a very old extension lead, a tonne of rubbish, and you guessed it, more bird crap.


We then walked out of that building after ensuring we where safe from any angry farmers on quad bikes and turned left to go into the warehouse building on the far left of the first photo. On street view you can see a vent coming out the back of this building, My best guess is that there used to be some sort of machine in the back of this room where the wooden boards are, and then they would've ripped it out and sold it for parts and scrap. There was also a mysterious hatch that was open on the ceiling wich looked like I would get cancer from just going near.


We turned around and went into the last building wich was the biggest of them all. However After the engine we heard and the lack of sleep I completely forgot to take a photo of the exterior of this building, and so the only one I have is the first photo, where you can see part of it on the left connect to the listed barn and the taller part of the building that is also connect to it, this is where the silos are. This building was tall and had a wooden walkway going all around the top of it and was full of silos.


We kept walking forward past the silos and it was a dead end, however on the right there was this very strange machine that I have no clue what it is. If anyone knows what this could possibly be that would be pretty cool.


I then shined a flashlight inside one of the silos and it was very empty, wich was pretty expected.


We then walked to the right and into the building next to the listed barn on the left, where there were those wooden fences/walls blocking us through that door. Walking under the overhead walkways you can see ladders and machines wich go up too even higher levels.


Inside this building to the left of the listed barn there was a wooden staircase going to the upper floors wich seemed sturdy enough from looks, however when I went up to the top everything started shaking when I was walking and with the layers of bird crap on the handrails wich I didn't want to touch meaning I had nothing to hold onto, and the fact I hadn't slept in 30 hours and had the reaction time of a snail I decided it was better to just leave it and not go up. It just went to the silos I believe anyway. As I was taking this photo I didn't realise but you can see a knife in the corner.


Just before we left my friend pointed out the knife on the floor and after determining that it had been there for a very long time and was most likely not used for anything sinister we desposed of it so that it couldn't get into the wrong hands. We then headed out for a "rong bip" and a beer and continued on to another nearby farm that wasn't worth reporting on.

That was about all this farm had to offer. It was alot quieter than anticipated in the end. Like I said, it's not much unless you're into bird crap and barns. This is my first report so let me know if I did something wrong or didn't include anything I should've.

Thanks for reading.


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Lordship farm consists of a few stables, a very empty warehouse, some silos, a grade II listed barn that has had other barns extended of it and a whole lotta bird crap. To be honest it's not really much unless you like barns and bird crap. The farm is located on the outskirts of Hertfordshire alongside a few other farms I know of, the area is full of them. Anyway, on with it.

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Over to the right of this path is a house wich Is still very much occupied. I wasn't even 100% sure this place was derelict at first, so for all we knew we were possibly wandering onto an active farm and so I was ready to encounter an angry farmer. However it was surprisingly quiet, especially considering that it was 3 in the afternoon. The barn to the right with the wide open door and the window at the top is the grade II listed building, wich is where we first ventured into.

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The first thing I noticed as I walked in was the abundance of bird crap everywhere, the second thing was how old and diplidated the walls were, I then started to grasp how old the place really was. The missing bricks didn't make us feel very safe however we came to the conclusion that it was the wooden beams supporting the place and the bricks are just filler.

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Alongside the walls we started to notice the very evidently wonky and bowed roof. Infact I think this wasn't caused over time and was actually just built this way for some reason, as there seems to be more bricks on the wall to right then on the wall to the left.

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After going under those two brick "doorways" i looked right and there was a white door and a window that had ivy and bursting through them, and even through the roof, inbetween the door and window were some hooks wich I don't know what they where used for, but they're too big to be a coat hangars.

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Looking to the left of the room we noticed some evidently "newer" unfinished brickwork and a doorway wich went into the more modern barn wich was an extention to the original listed one by the looks of things.
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But this didn't go anywhere and was walled off, by a wooden fence/wall. We turned back around and continued to the next barn there was a perfect hole in the wall wich I didn't actually get a photo off.

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After squeezing through the very narrow filthy hole in the wall we were greeted with quite a pleasant sight. Another barn extended onto the listed barn had ivy growing into the walls and through the roof. The light shining perfectly through the holes in the building made for an excellent photo and a very nice place to have a doobie.

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After smoking some of the wacky bacci and feeling rather happy, we continued on with a much less anxious mindset and weren't really all that bothered about an angry farmer anymore. Going through the door in the northern face of the barn we were met with some stables wich judging by the copious amount of webs they seem to be occupied mostly by alot of our 8 leggeded arachnid friends nowadays.

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After walking down the walkway past the stables we were greeted with another building wich was very overgrown and required some perseverance to get to. I don't know what it was used for but ones things for sure, it's not used for anything anymore.

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Turning 180° I could now see a more of an open sheltered area to the left of the previous walkway opposite the stables.

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After Clearing that section of the farm we decided to walk around the back of the property and circle round to the buildings at the start wich we missed out on. As we were walking around we heard the roaring of an motorbike/quad bike approaching so we quickly got inside this building, wich is the building in the middle of the first photo and the closest one to us in the first photo. After hearing the quadbike shut its engine off relatively far away, we carried on more cautiously. This building was really much except for some shelves, a wheel barrow, a very old extension lead, a tonne of rubbish, and you guessed it, more bird crap.

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We then walked out of that building after ensuring we where safe from any angry farmers on quad bikes and turned left to go into the warehouse building on the far left of the first photo. On street view you can see a vent coming out the back of this building, My best guess is that there used to be some sort of machine in the back of this room where the wooden boards are, and then they would've ripped it out and sold it for parts and scrap. There was also a mysterious hatch that was open on the ceiling wich looked like I would get cancer from just going near.

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We turned around and went into the last building wich was the biggest of them all. However After the engine we heard and the lack of sleep I completely forgot to take a photo of the exterior of this building, and so the only one I have is the first photo, where you can see part of it on the left connect to the listed barn and the taller part of the building that is also connect to it, this is where the silos are. This building was tall and had a wooden walkway going all around the top of it and was full of silos.

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We kept walking forward past the silos and it was a dead end, however on the right there was this very strange machine that I have no clue what it is. If anyone knows what this could possibly be that would be pretty cool.

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I then shined a flashlight inside one of the silos and it was very empty, wich was pretty expected.

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We then walked to the right and into the building next to the listed barn on the left, where there were those wooden fences/walls blocking us through that door. Walking under the overhead walkways you can see ladders and machines wich go up too even higher levels.

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Inside this building to the left of the listed barn there was a wooden staircase going to the upper floors wich seemed sturdy enough from looks, however when I went up to the top everything started shaking when I was walking and with the layers of bird crap on the handrails wich I didn't want to touch meaning I had nothing to hold onto, and the fact I hadn't slept in 30 hours and had the reaction time of a snail I decided it was better to just leave it and not go up. It just went to the silos I believe anyway. As I was taking this photo I didn't realise but you can see a knife in the corner.

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Just before we left my friend pointed out the knife on the floor and after determining that it had been there for a very long time and was most likely not used for anything sinister we desposed of it so that it couldn't get into the wrong hands. We then headed out for a "rong bip" and a beer and continued on to another nearby farm that wasn't worth reporting on.

That was about all this farm had to offer. It was alot quieter than anticipated in the end. Like I said, it's not much unless you're into bird crap and barns. This is my first report so let me know if I did something wrong or didn't include anything I should've.

Thanks for reading

W Report
(he forced me)