Having recently done Rossendale, and it being OK, but just trashed and not even in a derp decayed way,
i have to say i really enjoyed going back to Mansfield!! It's been closed a hell of alot longer,and yet, is actually still worth the trip! and a good place to test the new Wide angle, which i was hating until i got in here ......
Visited with Shush! and 3 non members --------
Started off early, knowing what an absolute bitch the heras is in this place. managed to get in okkkkk (even if after trolling round we realised we probably had made it way harder for ourselves than it needed to be.......) and speant a good 3 hours in there! i had been a year or so ago, but missed the morgue and some of the older building due to it being sealed off, but because good light was on our side we didnt rush... oh ok we rushed a little when we set off the only PIR in the building, but it was no bother in the end!
Got to say the caretaker/secca dude is a top notch fella! :thumb
All in all, a very pleasable day!
Thanks for looking