My Take on Talgarth

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night crawler

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
North Berkshire.
Just so happen I drove past the place on one of the Church Crawls so I thought it would be rude not see what the place looked like. Face it the place has been done to death so there is no need to repeat the history on the place Talgarth Asylum but if you click the link you can read about it. I did chat to a could of locals who were walking their dog and found out the locals want it used for housing or put to a use that benefits the locals. Anyway here are the photos I took quickly when I was there. No did not venture over the fence at my age I value my health plus if the wife knew she would hit the roof, anyway you can see in the photos the place is falling down


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From the last shots I saw, the hall roof has gone completely and the wallheads are collapsing as well. Agreed, total hovel compared to when I went in 2007 but I suppose that was inevitable when the slates and lead were stripped.
Hall has gone, went a few weeks ago and it's an absolute death trap (well bigger death trap than before).
Main entrance is the only safe part now.
Hall has gone, went a few weeks ago and it's an absolute death trap (well bigger death trap than before).
Main entrance is the only safe part now.
Well this was the first time I have seen the place and there looks to be little security around and the camera I saw on the end of the main building was broken. I presume the hall is the one with the roof falling in further over. From what I can make out the local kids mess around in the place and as you say its a death trap so now way would I have gone in but then I'm over 70 so climbing a fence is a bit hard now
Went there back in March, met a couple of locals who were the last maintenance man and his wife who was a nurse there. Had a nice chat with them about the history of the place. Didn't go in, but some nice drone footage. There's a good book about the place called "Up Top - From Lunatic Asylum to Community Care".
Went there back in March, met a couple of locals who were the last maintenance man and his wife who was a nurse there. Had a nice chat with them about the history of the place. Didn't go in, but some nice drone footage. There's a good book about the place called "Up Top - From Lunatic Asylum to Community Care".
No doubt the best way to see it now bu drone
What van? there was nothing stopping you walking around the outside
it was some years ago but the guy in the farm in the end would often hassle visitors. I drove through the site once and idled outside the main building. White van man then followed me around the villiage. A little bit over the top.
the guy in the farm in the end would often hassle visitors.

White van man then followed me around the villiage. A little bit over the top.

Didn't he eventually get had up for assaulting an explorer? I seem to recall he was a former nurse there? I can't remember exactly but I know it wasn't at all unknown for "unpaid secca" to harass explorers at more than one site. I suppose if they feel an attachment to a place they get possessive when they see the dickheads trashing and tagging.
Think his name was Merv. Talking to the local ex-staffers, he just wanted to make sure the place didn't go further downhill with the trashing and such. Him and his dogs had apparently got death threats from youths.