I believe that there have been p***y invaders here again!
I believe that there have been p***y invaders here again!
Well apparently the planning application has been passed! Although I hear that there has been a petition but must admit that I've not seen the TV report or read the newspaper - though there is bound to be summat in local paper about it soon!
So it could be demolition time soon.
Shame....too see such a lovely place tumble to the ground
Maybe the blue pipes will go as well!
Maybe he can bring a piece of blue pipe home with him next time he visits!
please can i have the 6 foot blue gate valve that is in number 10 exhauster(alledgedly)?i could put it in the garden!
Its all gone,was knocked down last weekend.
Good photo's, nice to see Pyestock is still existing, when I went a couple of years ago the general feeling was that it'd be demo'd pretty soon to make way for a Tesco depot, thankfully they haven't, yet.