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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Sao Bras de Alportel, Algarve, Portugal
You know how we have tried to get in to explore Pyecrust four times now and failed miserably every time?

Well just to prove that they weren't totally wasted trips...


We pulled the gin off the Pyestock sloes last night and bottled it so we're going to have a very hairy excemas and a happy newd lear...:p

PS Krela, before you bin this as not being "Industrial", it IS a report on Pyestock - even though it doesn't cover the buildings it DOES cover the vegetation! :p
Excellent stuff!
I'm in the middle of making some myself, though I only used the sloes from the fields behind my house - we really have had an excellent crop this year.

Sadly my own failed expedition to Pyestock was rather less productive but I've foraged and collected all sorts of things on explores from elderflowers to sheep's wool to giant puffballs!
Usually yes, though you can also dip them in egg/milk mixture and breadcrumbs with a bit of seasoning first if you're feeling particularly adventurous. Actually I understand they can be quite versatile, but I don't really get them often enough to try many different recipes.
Good to see it wasn't a totally wasted trip.

Try again in the blackberry season :p
Ah mate :( Did it go horribly wrong?

When I saw the Pyestock title on the forum page, I smiled :)
Ah mate :( Did it go horribly wrong?

Yes Nelly, talk about a catalogue of disasters!

First time we went we found a gigantic hole in the fence but we spotted a secca and a plod lurking so we just walked on by. It got quite funny because the plod was obviously trying to sneak up on us to catch us "red handed" going through but he slipped and went down the slope by the hole on his arse. But honestly, have these people no brains? The secca still had a high viz on so the pair of them were rather obvious even though they were crouching in the shadows! Anyhow we gave up then because it rapidly became obvious something was going on - and sure enough as we walked back up we could hear an engine being run at constant high revs. It was only later that someone pointed out the anechoic chamber (?) still gets used sometimes. Add to which there was a huge flat bed wagon parked up just beyond the gate house along side plods panda.

That was when we found there are sloes!

I can't remember what went wrong the second time! I think we just couldn't find a fence we could manage - I'm old and creaky you see! :p

Third time we got spotted whilst we were casing the fence and secca followed us in parallel all the way up to the main road. Or was that the second time? :confused:

Then the last time we tried we went dressed in DPM top to toe with the intention of going in via the woods on the opposite side but there was a secca dressed all in black patrolling on foot along the perimeter fence. And he looked like he was there for the day because we got fed up waiting long before he stopped his rounds.

Tesco must be planning a new line of jet engines for the New Year... :idea:

Yeah, but if you use a blackberry along with a mac, you'll get apple and blackberry pies! ;):mrgreen:

I had to think about that one - but not for too long! :p :)

then do the barracks down the rd :)

That is just cruel SK! Now I'm intrigued! Off to Google Earth in a minute... :)
That is just cruel SK! Now I'm intrigued! Off to Google Earth in a minute... :)
Sorry bud missed this lol have pm ;)

And Mr 7 For sure mate Sk :)