Question - Have you ever been caught ?

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Feb 7, 2016
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Question Have you ever been caught trying to sneak into a place or caught whilst in a place, if so what was the outcome ? ;)
Most of the time you will get told off and asked to leave. Sometimes the Police are called, most of the time they will just want you to leave. If you have anything on you that may be considered criminal, you may be arrested. So tools which may be seen as for breaking and entering, spray cans, drugs, etc.
Be polite and explain why you are there, accept that they're doing a job and you are in the wrong, and you should be ok.
If you are caught on Crown land, Government land, Police, Prisons, train lines, utilities, etc, you WILL be arrested and most probably prosecuted as these come under Criminal Trespass and not Civil Trespass.
Best advice is to not get caught though.
Most of the time you will get told off and asked to leave. Sometimes the Police are called, most of the time they will just want you to leave. If you have anything on you that may be considered criminal, you may be arrested. So tools which may be seen as for breaking and entering, spray cans, drugs, etc.
Be polite and explain why you are there, accept that they're doing a job and you are in the wrong, and you should be ok.
If you are caught on Crown land, Government land, Police, Prisons, train lines, utilities, etc, you WILL be arrested and most probably prosecuted as these come under Criminal Trespass and not Civil Trespass.
Best advice is to not get caught though.

Great reply, think you covered just about everything there, have you ever been caught your self Chopper if so what was your experance ?
We weren't caught at the scene, but me and a friend visited a local former council building. The second my feet hit the floor through the window, alarms went off. We did a runner.
Earlier that day, we had visited a school, ,this place, and set alarms off. The groundskeeper chased us to the car and took my friends reg plate.
He reported to the police. For about a month later, my friend was being flagged down and followede to his house by police until he had to go and explain the situaton at the police station :) They knew that we were at both places but didnt' feel the need to do anything about it, as at the end of the day, we're just nerds with cameras!
He's a good lad, didn't mention me
My favourite was at CMH, caught before we had even got into the buildings. Annoyingly we met some 14 year olds in there that I wanted to send forward as bait, but I felt bad.
We all got caught and marched out, but the Gurkha security man wouldn't open the gate, despite our explaination that he isn't allowed to hold us. We were half way over the gate before he opened it
My favourite was at CMH, caught before we had even got into the buildings. Annoyingly we met some 14 year olds in there that I wanted to send forward as bait, but I felt bad.
We all got caught and marched out, but the Gurkha security man wouldn't open the gate, despite our explaination that he isn't allowed to hold us. We were half way over the gate before he opened it

Great stuff, love to read people stories and different experiences, Ive got a great one from yesterday but I'll keep it to go with my post, its regarding a visit to the Toy house
Several times Jon, it no big deal, I don't BREAK IN and I don't STEAL so although some Secca can be annoying sometimes and depending on the police officer that nabs me its never bin more than a ballocking, mind you once in the seventies at a local MOD site I was captured by a half dozen armed MPs, one of em enquired "What the fook are you doing here" in the broadest Ulster accent I'd ever heard, I couldn't stop laughing, luckily they had a sense of humour, didn't even get a ballocking.
Stay Safe
So far, not been caught and confronted by any landowners yet. I had a few close calls, including one from yesterday. Was checking out a derelict house which was completely packed with stuff. Whilst I was trying to find an entry point, a passing car went by, and it soon stopped, and I heard the owner get out. I was waiting behind a hedge waiting for whoever it was to appear at house and give me a few words, instead 10 seconds later, he just went back in the car and drove off, just like that... In the end, I never found an entry point. :(
I've been caught a few times but never had any trouble with security. They seemed more worried about the H&S aspect of having someone without authorisation on the site. That said - I generally explore on my own or with one friend, park some way away and either walk or cycle.
If a bunch of people jump out of a van it may be a different story.
We had to exit Stewartby briskly a few months back with secca hot on our heels
& had a close one in Houghton a few weeks back with A.N .Other member. They had been in before & as previous posts assured us the security cameras were not monitored... they are. We were in for 2 mins and a guy on loudhailer announced that the police had been called. Needless to say we scarpered!
Lots. I mustn't be very good.

Everything from being bundled and habing a loaded pistol held against my head, to a plesant 20 min conversation and a free tour of the plac - and everything in between.
The only time I got busted was last year, came out of the exit point and had the boys in blue waiting. Must have been 5 or 6 of them, took name and address, got searched and details passed on, my advice is to apologise, stay calm and be reasonable. Still have not heard anything, must be almost 6 months ago.
Once they realised I was only taking photos and not causing a nescience they were fine.
This is the only encouter I have ever had
A fair few times...I'm actually starting to lose count now. It's a given in this hobby. I only wield photography/video gear and use non-destructive means and equipment to access, so I have nothing to fear. The risk of being caught, legging it and evading forces in persuit is all part of the fun :D
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Stewartby by nicest secca I ever met.

Brickyard near me by a pissed up secca who drove in, stunk of beer. Started being really threatening which was beer talk as I'm huge and he wasnt.

By far the rudest and angriest though is the farming brigade, been nabbed twice by tractor boys.
Close call once when we got into bodmin asylum (when it wAs there). Not in there 5 minutes when we heard a loud alarm go off.. Turns out the other side of the courtyard was an active pharmacy and some scally decided to put the front door through..we had a ringside seat of tne law turning up and sorting it out...
Been caught a fair few times, it comes with the territory. Anyone who says 'I never get caught' will get caught one day, it just happens.

I can remember being caught by the knobber security at Harold Wood Hospital years ago, I think that was the first time I was caught by official security bods other than the old trick of walking out the front gate at West Park and giving the security guard a cheery wave. That was on the same day we escaped from police dogs inside Wispers School in Haslemere by the skins of our teeth, to this day I have no idea how we pulled that off. Was caught by the security at Southam Cement Works too, loads of cameras around there back in the day so we actually got pretty lucky staying as long as we did. My favourite bust though which could have gone very wrong had it been a bad day in the office were the security guards sent straight from the defence contractor QinetiQ's Headquarters in order to find out what me and my mate were doing exploring the old Centre for Human Sciences facility in Farnborough (which was a mile away from Pyestock but nobody ever went there...), we got seen by one of the cameras on the side of the still-operational human centrifuge building and a couple of hours later the security guys turned up. They turned out to be the nicest security guards I've ever met considering we were exploring on a site partially owned by QinetiQ and situated right next to Farnborough Airport.

Had the police a few times, most notably nine of them turning up to remove us from a site in northern France but they turned out to be really pleasant once they saw we only had camera gear on us - we ended up not being searched or even asked for ID. Nearly got arrested in America though, that isn't fun.

But I agree, it's the farmers you want to be really wary of. The incident I had in Belgium with a crazy farmer threatening me and my mate with a large wooden pole whilst his wife slashed our car tyres is the reason I no longer have any interest or desire to explore remote houses.
The incident I had in Belgium with a crazy farmer threatening me and my mate with a large wooden pole whilst his wife slashed our car tyres is the reason I no longer have any interest or desire to explore remote houses.

Wow, that sounds unpleasant. I'm of the opinion that in general, getting caught by police / security is always better than the land owner. Secca are regulated where an angry land owner fed up with people visiting may be a little more unhinged.