Question - Have you ever been caught ?

Derelict Places

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I went for a walk on Saturday morning to check out an old stationary factory near my house. I was busted pretty quickly by security in a pick up while walking the perimeter and at first he was pretty angry about the whole affair, he even used his siren (HA!). Pleading ignorance, as well as some basic manners calmed him down and he ended up giving me a lift back to my car. The saving grace was that I was on my own and he assumed I was talking pictures of birds (I always have my long lens on during recces so I can use it as a telescope of sorts). Highest level of security I have come across, it'll just spur me on to crack it.
Hm thinking of angry people who've caught me...I think dock workers were the angriest :p I've had some foul mouthed secca calling me all the names under the sun. Also been physically grabbed by frenzied secca before. It's safe to say 50% of the time they're in the very least rude and/or condescending. Police so far have been very polite and professional (bar one jumped up Special Constable), but then we don't give them a hard time. Being polite, coming clean and explaining what you're doing is the best way...even if you have the intention of dangling yourself from a building by a rope in the dead of night or some other crazy idea you've thought up :D
Yeah, ive been caught afew times now, ranging from secca blocking our cars to closing a road as we were "comtaminated" of asbestos and being stripped and told our clothes would be burned haha. Was held for 5 long hours that night/morning. Fun times ;)
Yeah, ive been caught afew times now, ranging from secca blocking our cars to closing a road as we were "comtaminated" of asbestos and being stripped and told our clothes would be burned haha. Was held for 5 long hours that night/morning. Fun times ;)

:shocked: Blimey - that was a bit extreme
Yeah, ive been caught afew times now, ranging from secca blocking our cars to closing a road as we were "comtaminated" of asbestos and being stripped and told our clothes would be burned haha. Was held for 5 long hours that night/morning. Fun times ;)

Your experience of that particular place put me off attempting it. Not worth the hassle! Definitely the best story I've heard out all the caught stories I've heard though :D
Your experience of that particular place put me off attempting it. Not worth the hassle! Definitely the best story I've heard out all the caught stories I've heard though :D

Its certainly put me off attempting it again haha. At least I have my gopro footage of the night.
Yeah, ive been caught afew times now, ranging from secca blocking our cars to closing a road as we were "comtaminated" of asbestos and being stripped and told our clothes would be burned haha. Was held for 5 long hours that night/morning. Fun times ;)

I wouldn't have thought it was legal for them to do that? :-O
Place near me last summer and a farmer come tearing across field, started telling me police would lock me up etc. I am always polite and calm, but he kept on and said he was phoning them there and then. I said I was going to phone environment agency and tell them about all the chemical bottles I had seen that he had put in a big hole in the woods I had just walked through.

Probably not the wiset thing I have said, his response was to try and run me over with the tractor.....
I think it was because of its location. Oh well, we all get caught in this game. Its a memory I will always have tho

Ehhh it seems like a bit of a grey area? Personally I'd strip naked and gladly hand them my clothes, but they'd have to fight a screaming naked man to get my camera off me :p
Ehhh it seems like a bit of a grey area? Personally I'd strip naked and gladly hand them my clothes, but they'd have to fight a screaming naked man to get my camera off me :p

Its cos of all the construction work happening atm and the case they were stripping out the asbestos at the time (which they were, we saw loads of contained areas that we shouldn't have gone through) We told them we didn't anyway. So it was there duty of care that we get checked over etc.
Yeah, was not happy about not having my camera for a week whilst they "cleaned it for asbestos spores"
Theres me chuckling - i very very very nearly got caught today - extremley scary encounter - but that for a future post.
Not been caught yet but like HughieD I also currently go for low security sites but then again that doesn't mean I won't be seen and police and what have you called.
Because most of the sites I visited are for sale access is not too much an issue. While most of what I photo is pubs I do other places. Only got caught once but the whole issue was resolved in a polite and civil way no nastiness as IV been in the Army part of the training is how to difuse a situation clamy.
Well; I suppose getting caught comes with the territory... But it's an aspect I'd really rather avoid.
My first encounter was with a number of police... and dogs; Vastly outnumbering us. Once they found we were just a bunch of guys & girls with cameras - and weren't there raiding the place, or smashing it to bits - they were very civil & respectful with us.
They were probably relieved we weren't kids smashing the place up; or thieves stripping the place, who were prepared to fight their way out. They've probably had to deal with some **** over the years.
It's better to run away and come again another day, or not get spotted.

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