Hope this helps
Run around plough
Potato ridger (gives potato fields that corrugated look)
Zig-zag harrows
PZ Zweegers Haybob (for turning or tedding hay)
Ballast roller (can be filled with ballast, normally water to increase its weight)
Overgrown is a feed wagon, mixes silage and supplements. Next to it is a Marshall? muck spreader
Forage harvester, picks up cut grass, shreds it and blows it into a trailer (for making silage)
Run around plough
Potato ridger (gives potato fields that corrugated look)
Zig-zag harrows
PZ Zweegers Haybob (for turning or tedding hay)
Ballast roller (can be filled with ballast, normally water to increase its weight)
Overgrown is a feed wagon, mixes silage and supplements. Next to it is a Marshall? muck spreader
Forage harvester, picks up cut grass, shreds it and blows it into a trailer (for making silage)