The Diary Keepers Cottage...2012

Derelict Places

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Literally, a lifetime of memories in that house. "Take only pictures, leave only footprints", it may well be - but some historian needs to get in here and catalogue this lot. I think there may well be some historical information of importance in this house.
Literally, a lifetime of memories in that house. "Take only pictures, leave only footprints", it may well be - but some historian needs to get in here and catalogue this lot. I think there may well be some historical information of importance in this house.

all the contents belong to someone...we have to remember weather she is left to nature to reclaim her or the items removed by the owner then what will be will just very lucky to have seen it all :)
Dear Ninja Kitten and Perjury Saint,

I thought the HMS Plymouth report was immense and was the best I'd ever seen on DP for an interesting subject. I liked that one a lot, but I think you two knew that already too.

However you lovely people have upgraded and lifted the bar by another tier with this report.

My true description of your report and visit is EPIC! :mrgreen:

I personally hope you have the chance to continue going back here in the future and researching it more in your own time, maybe finding more about this person's/people's history?

I fully support your decision in a not releasing your information to others and reporting these items to museums and archives.

Remember museums and archives have a tendency to store items away/forget they exist as they are not a "exciting exhibit for the public" for tens of/sometimes even a hundred years in their locked vaults...before someone perhaps looks for them or accidentally "discovers" them again!

So you will have the same scenario here that no-one gets to see them either!

I'll be contentious in what I'll say but I think you two have made the best decision of all.

It's best they get left in their own correct historical surroundings and I am not a religious man but I pray that no useless member of society desecrates this location. As such I hope it stays this way until nature claims the property back and items left behind for good.

Thanks you so much again for sharing this place with us all.

Take care out there. :)


thankyou for those lovely words...and i assure that untill someone else locates her on an off chance the only two people that know about her are me and PS and it shall stay that way :)
No problem Ninja Kitten and prejury saint,

Like I said its my opinion but it doesn't mean im right or the others wrong. I can see the other points of view.

But you been doing this game for a long while now and it comes across here in your final statement.

all the contents belong to someone...we have to remember weather she is left to nature to reclaim her or the items removed by the owner then what will be will just very lucky to have seen it all :)

That's the fact we have to remember whatever building we visit, be it a sketchy skag haven to a building like this we are merely visitors to them otherwise we are no better than the vandals and metal thieves!

I look forward to the next outstanding visit and report you two do. Yes I am jealous that you find such great places and all i can find is vandalised pubs at the current time in my personal time! :lol:

Take care and stay safe out there

I wouldn't be surprised if I look in the mirror and have turned a bright green.

(rhetorical question!) How on earth do you find these places?! Bloody hell. I wasn't expecting much from the pic of the outside and then my mind got completely blown away. How on earth did you ever manage to leave? I'd probably still be there a month later :D

It's tragic that this person's memories will be left to rot away- but again, diaries are personal even if the person who wrote them is long gone. I understand both sides of the problem, and I fully respect your decision. I just hope this place stays unheard of.
i think i may be speechless abolutly beautifull (i would spend weeks just learing who him/her was) whenever i normaly look at one of thes post i seam to spend most time thinkng oh that would make nice bangle or weird stepunk hat but i could never distub any thing from a place like this
This is effing stunning! Well done guys!

In all seriousness though, I work for the National Trust and we get tipped off and called out to places all the time. (I was at Carr Pitt Cottage in Norfolk, which seems to pop up a fair bit on here, only a few weeks ago!). 9 times out of 10 there's nothing worth saving but this is clearly not the case here. The items here could be of invaluable significance to historical research and should be looked at by an expert.

Everytime we are alerted about a place like this we do everything in our power to locate and contact the owner by working closely with local councils and housing officials and trolling local archives sometimes for weeks. When we do manage to contact the owner if it is their wish not to donate the building and / or its contents to us then we completely respect that. Quite often though people are pleased to hear from us because they simply did not have the time or (most often) money to arrange clearance of the property and have no ideas of the significance of the items.

Honestly, there would be no problem with you reporting this to NT as that way you can be assured that (owner permitting) this place will be preserved for generations exactly as it is and as it should be.

Please do PM me if you'd like any more info on our procedures and once again, well done for a cracking report and such gorgeous pics!
i totally respect the "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints" rule usualy but honestly, as an archivist, i wouldnt have been able to leave all of these there. what a treasure!!!! at least, i would have read a big part of it and stay there way too long in fear that i miss something, in fear that the next time i come back, everything would be ruined. this is too perfect. thanks for sharring this diamond.
Breathtaking! A gem. Would truly love to go there. Places with personal possessions are always amazing to see.....who lived there? Why did they leave it like that? So many questions...Truly amazing report. Well done.
Please tell a museum or the local archives . . . Someone who is not as considerate as you guys will enter that house and destroy that history . Please I implore in fact I beg . . Those photos are priceless in history and those diaries . . They are someones life/works and they may have kept them to record history x x please I know it is a great explore but too valuable not financially but historically to allow water damage x x

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