Three floors of treasure and stuff that gladdens the heart. North Wales.

Derelict Places

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I travel alone. Wanderlust
Feb 20, 2019
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A cold late winter day, and you turn up and find this beauty, in the Welsh Hills in Denbighshire. It is a well publicised house in the Urbex community, given the stupid name of Jumanji House. Apparently it is so called as it looks like a similar house out of a movie by the name of Jumanji

Don't know , can't comment, never seen the film.

Anyways here it is in all its abandoned glory.


A stealthy wander around the outside looking for a way in; although it stands in a large plot of, to be honest, well maintained land, care was needed as to the right were the backs of several bungalows on a neighbouring street and to the right another grand house.

It is always the case is it not? That when one is looking for something it is always the last place you look! easing aside one of the large chipboard barriers just enough to squeeze through, pulling it back tight to keep any nosey visitors at bay ( all the tricks of the trade!).


C'mon let's mooch
Let's mooch in monochrome for a change


This is one fine time capsule, three floors stuffed with treasure, no remarkable history not a lot I can find about why it is left in this state. Though as I say the grounds are well maintained, someone must care? surely? I guess from looking around this was the home of Christine and Dick, are they dead now?


Some general ground floor room views, old fashioned springs to mind, there was no sweet scent of decay that one usually gets in these old houses.


No flat screen TV for Chris and her Dick, no sky either. 4 channels that's your lot. Mind you if you do subscribe to sky they promise you over 300 channels to choose from (at an exorbitant price), most of which are only broadcasting ***** anyways.


I prefer it naked anyways, oh and my salad without dressing too if you are enquiring.


A good old fashioned fax phone


Home brewing, home wine making, a big fad in the 70's and 80's I tried it, bought all the gear, jesus where did I do wrong? certainly beats taking laxatives.

The wine I ended up using as a weed killer, and the "beer" for stripping some varnish off an old door.


Seems like booze was a big part of their lives, but not sure I would advertise the fact by using empty bottles as ornaments


Hardly a cosy nook when the windows aren't double glazed


I have read a newspaper report online of this place, submitted by one of the creatures that sells out to the press for 15 minutes of fame in their sad lonely lives.

The fool goes on about feeling eerie, hearing noises and footsteps, ghostly happenings.

**** off.


I would not like to think what is climbing out of that bog


Just a little bit of red


Vintage paraffin heater, I remember we had one of these in the 60's in the family home, before central heating arrived, fill the bottom tank with highly flammable paraffin, let the wick soak it up and strike a match, it gave off heat and a lovely aroma of burning fuel. one of these is up for sale on a well known auction site (along with 1,000's of fake items of all sorts) for over £100.


That's a nice little bondage bed


I guess when the hired help are not around and you can't be arsed walking down three flights of stairs to make a morning brew this would come in handy, if you have never had one you ain't missing out, you don't need an alarm the rattling and hissing is enough to wake the dead.


It's a long way down there is more to come from this place.......
Heartbreaking to see a house obviously loved and lived in with pride and comfort. Looks as though abandoned in a hurry. Wonder what happened to the couple? Clearly no relatives -or some darker story? How can we find out?
Heartbreaking to see a house obviously loved and lived in with pride and comfort. Looks as though abandoned in a hurry. Wonder what happened to the couple? Clearly no relatives -or some darker story? How can we find out?
there are two more parts to this little mooch, a little more is found out as narrative to the snaps
What a fab vicarious mooch for us, that staircase is something else, felt I was there! Amazing that the idiots haven't found it. Very well done.
cheers @Roderick , in a very good condition this one, some great bits in there, and yes a lovely staircase, bugger to clean though I bet

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