Terrified at the prospect of my ugly mug becoming a laughing architectrual forum thread,I abstain from the horrors of being the wrong side of the camera,I was once a male model (I jest you not) but as with all good things there is an end to beauty,and a time when decay takes precedence.
beauty shines from the shadows,not from a glowing light.
You're all gorgeous! Even when bespattered with mud.
Okay! here's me with the ex..I have my hang ups but she always felt like a fish out of water.
That is maybe the worst joke I have tried ever tried to make,(hence,it's obligitarory inclusion)being funny is made fun by funny people,not! I fear a thing I have worry myself over...?
Good lord above help me! (though belief in the great ever after has been suspended for all time!)
Oh well! After much ado about nothing,heres one for the likely suspects..