UE themed portraits/self-portraits

Derelict Places

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As a change to the naked-control-tower-shots I was aiming to get, here is me in an RAF toilet.

I'm trying to think of something to write in relation to where you havethe word HONK emblazened, but this is a family forum so i'll control myself. :mrgreen:
I have an interesting story about that...
This has been done by others in the world. But at a works do a couple of friends and i noticed the ample assets of a collegue.
After a few drinks i plucked up the courage to speak to her and the best i could do was:
" I bet you £5 i can honk your ****s without you noticing"
to which she replied
"Yeah right, i bet you can't!"
So i grabbed her ****s, saying HONK HONK loudly, and handed her a crisp £5 note.
"best fiver i've ever spent."
My mates were in stitches, but needless to say she didn't find it so funny.

<I'll get my coat>
'family forum'? haha, i take it you haven't seen the other photo [which, may i add, i think is gorgeous] quoted above then?? lol :)

btw, underneath the 'HONK', it says 'if you're about to run me over', lol.
Hehe - fair point. I think my second post on the subject of honking sort of sets the tone.
Hehe - fair point. I think my second post on the subject of honking sort of sets the tone.

lol, it did make me chuckle! not sure i'd be chuckling if it actually happened to me though, haha. i read it out to my boyfriend and he laughed as well...think it put ideas into his head, lol.
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