Urbex Injuries....

Derelict Places

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Matt was always going to hurt himself at Westpark :p And its usually me that ends up hurting myself (unfortunately) I have definately got to get a safer hobby! :D

You just do silly things my incidents are unavoidable, like driving into a wall! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Emerging through a hole in the fence onto a towpath recently I stumbled and was only THAT far from sustaining life threatening injuries to myself, and sending a cyclist into the canal! He wobbled badly, and I think I probably did too.

Emerging through a hole in the fence onto a towpath recently I stumbled and was only THAT far from sustaining life threatening injuries to myself, and sending a cyclist into the canal! He wobbled badly, and I think I probably did too.

If that's where it think it is, then I have also almost ended up knocking a cyclist into the canal a few times :p
I have absolutely no balance whatsoever, so i just fall over lots,:lol: never really hurt myself tho, physically anyway, pride wise mmmmm.:lol:
I'm mostly scrapes, cuts and bruises too, although one I got was faily amusing. Trying to get in somewhere I had scaled a drainpipe, onto a slanty bit of wall and was part way through a swing window when my foot slipped off the slanty wall, my had that was holding quickly left its previous job of holding the window open to stop me from falling and I got a nice big clunk on the back of the head.

Nothing too serious, but I am having trouble pronouncing the letter K now.
Yesterday running into the access point at Merrydown (because you have to!) I neglected to notice the bit of fence wire which was still strung across the hole in the bushes at knee height until just before it was too late, in my sudden need to stop myself going head over heels and drawing even more attention to me and my companion I managed to grab something spiky and get loads of thorns stuck in my hand. Not cool!
Not having the longest legs, its always my knees that take the brunt of anything.

They are well knobbly.

Also, not specifically an injury but the other week over at High Royds i ruined a pair of trousers by over zealously climbing a big fence.
After some 120 explores I had my first urbox injury the other day.

Serves me right for playing rodeo on a springy wire fence... Can't say I noticed the cut until half an hour later when I wondered why the mysterious wet patch that appeared on the back of my jeans was getting larger, stickier and colder. :lol:
I once fell through a wooden floor into a motor inspection pit full of oily scummy water whilst exploring an old army post in yorkshire. It didn't hurt really but DAMN was it cold and I was made to sit in the boot of the car on a bed of tesco bags on the way home. As for cuts and scrapes I've gashed my hand once but I invested in a pair of climbing gloves from an outdoor store. I seriously can't recommend them enough, they're thin but VERY tough and I can still operate my camera whilst wearing them.
I walked for a total of six hours (to an explore and back) cross-country over rough terrain and bruised my foot doing so. Does that count? :lol:

(No it doesn't, but I've had no injuries so feel left out :mrgreen:)
ive been off work for nearly 4 months when some **** knocked me off my bike and wrote it off for me

this has put a stop to urbexing for a while, annoyingly! and ive got no wheels to get around :(

it not an urbex injury but i wanted to contribute :D
After stumbling across the Horton Hospital Superintendent's house yesterday I tried to get in through the ground floor bay window which had the boards torn down and lain out in front of it on a slope. Now it had been raining, and my shoes have no grip so I nearly went over getting in but got in alright. That changed when I tried to get out though...I tried to be as careful as possible, but the grip just wasn't there, my feet slipped from under me, I went arse over tit and my right hand ended up covered in brambles, my arse hit the wood and then my left elbow hit it hard, so now I can't really move my elbow much:lol:

It turned out there were 2 or 3 much easier ways in, and I tried the hardest one...
I got a thorn in my hand today at Adel...does that count?? LOL

I wish i could say i only had thorns in my hand after the last explore after trying to get away from the site quickly decided to jump into what looked like just fallen trees but it was actually 4ft of dead wood and brambles and the brambles got everywhere. Thankfully thats the only thing......so far and its major just wish i could get the rest of the thorns out of my finger tips now.
I cut myself on a nail inside Central studios. Still got the scar.

Went into Gala Bingo in Kings Heaths and cut my hand up twice. I then invested in some gloves to protect them better. Last night I went into Gala bingo in Dudley and cut my leg open :(

Cant win ha