***WARNING*** infection risks during exploration.

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Hope the antibiotics work - I got a dose of cellulitis a couple of years ago Leg blown up like a balloon and off work for 3 weeks with a couple of dozen capsues evey day. Get well soon - There's still some Verdun forts to do!
Hope it all clears up soon........not said that to anyone since School :p
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Did you have any scratches or cuts on your leg before dear chap?
I really hope things clear up quickly for you and thanks for posting up the warning!

Get well soon mate :)
That's a bad break mate and I sympathise with you. Whilst nowhere near as bad as what you've gone through, I'm having to use antibiotic ointment on an infection in my right eye probably picked up whilst exploring. I always carry antiseptic hand wipes and wear gloves most of the time but it's easy to forget sometimes.

I wish you well and hope you recover fully soon.
Stay out of nasty water, get medicine! Important

bit of a word of warning here folks, and this has really shocked me a lot!

I fell into a flooded inspection pit in the train garage down that madge fort i recently reported, not anything like a full immersion, just with one leg up to my knee. But the short exposure to the contaminated water gave me an infection in that leg which has taken over a week to fully appear and when it did it gave all the symptoms of a dvt. It's literally only two hours ago that the doc has finally decided what it is that's wrong and put me on antibiotics. In addition to the excruciating pain in the muscle of the back of my lower leg i also got all the symptoms of meningitus on monday night almost 10 days after the exposure and had to go into hospital at 9 pm.

And the pit appeared to have nothing worse in it than rusty, oily water.

I suppose urb-ex is a learning curve but i hope no one else has to learn this mistake in the same way that i have. :exclaim:

Take care even around what might appear to be the most benign of hazards.

we have a river here, runs along behind very expensive homes, in a rich neighborhood. I attended an estate sale and met a man who went in the water "in the nice little stream" behind his house.

He had both legs amputated because of what he caught and it almost killed him he cried out. Stay out of that water!
We went to the lake and i got a rash from the water. My mom went swimming and told how they could not swim there because of strange fish that put their mouths all over you. Didn't bit but put their mouths on you. Creapy fish she said.
Were watching jeremy wade talk about "river monsters"
the world is polluted and screwy.
Please take all your medicine and don't be shy about going back to the hospital for more treatement. This is a battle to keep your legs, limbs and life i'll be praying for your recovery!

From, michigan u.s.a.
Did you have any scratches or cuts on your leg before dear chap?

Nothing worthy of note but you know how it is after going over barbed and forcing through brambles etc and we'd done plenty of that the day before whilst getting into Fort Rozelier in Verdun. So I suspect your guess is correct.

I'm having to use antibiotic ointment on an infection in my right eye probably picked up whilst exploring.

Crikey! And I thought I had problems. Eyes are way too precious. On the mend I hope?

Is your camera OK??? :eek:

Yeah apart from it seems to have got a rash, I keep finding little red dots on my pictures... ;-)

Thank you all for your kind comments, I'm over whelmed.
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Any amount of crap could have been in that pit! I edged around it to get a shot of the back of the loco's too!

Glad the meds are working and it didn't affect the rest of your trip.
Glad you got to the bottom of it.
Do you know what it was that started the infection?
Chemical, bacteria,?
Was it absorbition or through a scratch?
..............Crikey! And I thought I had problems. Eyes are way too precious. On the mend I hope?.............................

Yes I think so thanks. I had swelling, blurred vision and fluid pockets around the eye itself 2 days after trying to locate an Auxilliary Unit OB. It was on the site of a now filled in and levelled council rubbish tip. I must have rubbed my eye at some point but I don't remember doing it.

Doc prescribed Chloramphenicol which I had to put directly into the eye every 3 hours for 5 days. Wednesday was the 5th day and now I've got to wait to see if the infection re-occurs. It itches like crazy at the moment but at least I now look a bit normal again.

Hopefully It's now just a lesson learnt, never switch off while exploring. Even seemingly innocuous sites could harm you in ways you're not expecting. Keep your tetanus jabs up to date and carry a small basic first aid kit that should contain antiseptic cream if you break the skin. Practise good hygiene, don't rub your eyes and make sure your hands are clean if you have to eat during an explore. Don't live with an issue if it crops up, get it dealt with. Like you I'm pretty careful as a rule but clearly not careful enough on this occasion.

Timely reminder that even experienced explorers can get it wrong.
Blimey, hope everyone keeps on the meds and recovers soon.
A timely reminder for everyone that is isn't always safe out there.
Blimey - bad luck :( Thanks for the salutory warning