West Park Hospital, Epsom, March 2011

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Nov 25, 2012
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West Park Hospital, Epsom

I don't know why, but I was thinking about West Park today and as a result decided to re-visit some of my shots from my visits a couple of years ago.

The trip was planned for many weeks, we had maps, both over and underground and we knew where we had to park, despite the planning it was still a really long way to travel and we did not want to fail at getting in, so very early one wet March morning we set off under the cover of darkness, Sat Nav pointing us to Espom.

Fast forward 3 hours and were were there, dawn was breaking and we were slowly and quietly sneaking into one of the famous covered walk ways...we were in, the weeks of planning had paid off...we were stood in, what some may describe as the hallowed corridors of West Park.

It was at this time that the asbestos people and builders were in ripping the heart out of the site, so we spent the next 7 or 8 hours avoiding people, getting thrown out of one door and sneaking back in through another - it was one of my best explores to date.

We enjoyed the day so much...fast forward 48 hours, we had booked off another day from work and were back exploring more of the site, which had changed a huge amount in just those two days since the last trip.

Photos are not the best, they were taken with my old bridge camera, I wish the place was still around to re-visit with a better camera.

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West Park..Gone but not forgotten!

Full Gallery - The Asylum Archive - West Park
Cheers for posting these. I'm so gutted I missed this, and other old Asylums.
You don't need to re-visit with a better camera, these have come out great!
Lovely to see what I've missed out on, and ditto to OMJ, ultimately gutted that I can't see this in person.
Great seeing old photos of this place....I feel for the people just getting into this activity now who missed the golden ages of Asylum exploring which ended with the demolition of West Park.

I wish I could go back just one more day with my DSLR instead of the point and shoot I was using back in 2009. Although I'd still trade half my time in West Park for another day in Hellingly...
....I feel for the people just getting into this activity now who missed the golden ages of Asylum exploring which ended with the demolition of West Park.

This is me, it's gutting :cry:

At least I've still seen a few, but I know I've missed so much too.
Thanks for sharing :) I to didn't see this place in it's prime so it's both cool to see these images plus it also makes me insanly jealous!!!! :)

Nice one :)
This is me, it's gutting :cry:

At least I've still seen a few, but I know I've missed so much too.

I was lucky and caught the tail end of it seeing Hellingly, West Park, Fairmile and a tiny bit of Cane Hill, gutted I missed out on places like Deva, 99% of Cane Hill, St. Ebbas, Graylingwell, Barrow Gurney before it was half demolished etc...
Cheers for the comments guys, although I missed 'open season' with this place (and MC Hammer), still glad to get it seen a couple of times before it was too late.

Asylums were one of the 2 reasons why i got into this hobby, although I have missed out on most of the other Epsom Cluster, I have still been able to see a fair few, although there is always going to be that asylum itch which for the most part is now going to remain un-scratched sadly.
Cheers again people, I am still half tempted to pop down to see the Morgue, just to complete the WP journey, but its a hell of a long way.
Love that the vacuum cleaners look like they are having a wedding?!

It was one of the tourist shots that everyone tried to get when they went, there were also:

1.) Hoovers set up in formation in Admin
2.) Red fire extinguishers set up in the shape of a ?

Sure there were some others too, but cant recall what they were!

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