Whittingham hospital Please help

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yeah steve its on hold for now i think, but if the council dont agree with these plans they can use the old ones cos they agreed to them in 1998, the demo should start end 2009 i think. its very damaged inside tho, with all the chavs broke alot of stuff, there is a few bits still in there just have to look int he right places, we found a hoist my friend got bit upset for some reason think its cos she a learning diss nurse,
Yeah you will have to get your self down there and have a look before its gone.
Well I couldn't resist after hyping myself up... Had a drive up , then cycled around perimeter of grounds. Was a pretty bleak day and got soaked but got a few good pics. Still wanna explore further though! Seems the perimeter fence is pretty secure now. Theres also some old Army signal station further down the road . Anyone know anythin about this place ?
Hi steve.
Think we have passed it but never really thought about it, i know whit was an army hospital in 1st and 2nd world war, dont know if it has anything to do with that! not up on my army stuff, lol,
yes there are a few army graves in the graveyard, not really had a proper look round there yet always been raining bad when we been lol,
The signals block was part of the UKWMO facility that is spread out across the area with another bunker just down Langley lane and a decontamination block just a bit further down the road. If I recall correctly, of course. Cold War stuff and nothing to do with the hospital.
Hi steve.
Think we have passed it but never really thought about it, i know whit was an army hospital in 1st and 2nd world war, dont know if it has anything to do with that! not up on my army stuff, lol,

ST Margarets, Now gone was turned over to the Military during the First World War after it had just been finished and continued as a Military hospital till the early twenties.

History repeated itself in the Second World War when ST Margarets again was a Military Hospital first taking wounded from the total collaspe of the British Expeditionary Force in France and the retreat from Dunkirk. German Wounded was also treated mainly either aircrew.
Although, I've since found out that the Army moved out in 1918 much quicker than expected and ST Margarets was only reoccupied in around 1921, this may be due to the repairs that would have been carried out after the Army left, modifications put back to normal and the damage done by hob nail boots to wooden floors.

Whittingham appeared to be short of patients at this time, the Acute Hospital was closed down (Cameron House) Wards on The Main (ST Lukes) and the Annexe (ST Johns) also cloesed down. This could also be due to lack of nursing staff either those killed in action or found better paid jobs elsewhere. The greatest group of new patients in 1922 classiefied by occupation was 71 soldiers.