Worrying report

Derelict Places

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Good advice!
The railway laws have changed since I was a kid, we used to play on the line in the village I lived which was on an uphill stretch from Harringworth viaduct (longest viaduct in the uk). On more than one occasion the trains would stop & the driver shout at us out of the window, oh happy days lol.

Oh yeah true, I imagine the railway law came in with the introduction of high speed trains in the mid 70s. I could look it up but I'm too lazy.
The law CAN be applied to any MoD or Crown property, but isn't universally applied - however it IS applied to all active rail lines and Network Rail property. Trespassing on railways has always been criminally illegal. Yes that's very vague, but don't go on active MoD land, don't dick around with royalty and their homes, and you'll be fine. As a community we've managed for years without anyone who isn't already a muppet being prosecuted... basic common sense works.

This, although I fear that with the rise in Youtubers and the injunctions that are being dubiously slapped around by property developers in London, we may see a tightening of the law in the next couple of years that slows our hobby down.
Good advice!
The railway laws have changed since I was a kid, we used to play on the line in the village I lived which was on an uphill stretch from Harringworth viaduct (longest viaduct in the uk). On more than one occasion the trains would stop & the driver shout at us out of the window, oh happy days lol.

Basic Laws are exactly the same. Unless there is a fatality on the line; holding up trains whilst the Transport Police get to the scene of a minor trespass will just cause havoc with the revenue earning services. The Train Driver will notify Control of the incident and Control will warn other train crews coming onto the section to be aware of the situation. Sadly; the number of people who have permission and training to be on the running lines and end up dead or maimed, shows how dangerous the P Way is. Keep Off!
This has bin an interesting thread and I've enjoyed reading the responses to Glynn's report,
In my opinion the fella nosing around the power station got what was coming to him, we all take chances but that was idiotic.
Thanks folks
There have always been 'idiots' around. However; 'Word of Mouth' fifty odd years ago when I started nosing around, was completely different in the number of people informed than today's 'Word on the Web'. Now the information is available to the World and his Mother! My exploring days are well past; so the fact that a well run and very interesting Forum such as this, is the product of today's technology and thinking is a Godsend to me. Many thanks to you all!
This, although I fear that with the rise in Youtubers and the injunctions that are being dubiously slapped around by property developers in London, we may see a tightening of the law in the next couple of years that slows our hobby down.

Often it's the strangest things that cause the law to be changed. There's been rumblings to make trespass criminally illegal recently purely to allow local councils to prosecute travellers. It certainly won't happen because of urbexers.
Stash your weed, leave your tools at home (or stash them with your weed before you get on site) and go in a legal motor = slap on da wrist usually:wink: his previous didn't really help haha
The trespassing on the power station is bad enough, but the no insurance on his car is the bad bit.