WW2 Pillboxes UK

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A few of the pillboxes around the old WW2 amunition dumps in corsham, wiltshire:

Farleigh Down Sidings Pillbox 1:


Farleigh Down Sidings Pillbox 2:


Both of the above are under threat from the bulldozer so the 'farmer' can return the farm to 'farmland' - yeah right.

Monkton Farleigh District 20 Pillbox:


For more info on the Monkton Farleigh Ammo dump I highly recommend Nick McCamleys book 'Secret Underground Cities'.
Years ago there used to be some pill boxes on the beach at Brancaster, North Norfolk. Climbed in them when on a day trip when i was a kid, (so thats going back years then lol). hehehe. Then they were very easy to get in, you just walked in, don't know what condition or what they're like now tho, sorry, not been there for years.

Don't think we got any pics of them but will ask dad and see if he did take any. will update if he does have any.

:) Sal
Sorry, no pics yet with these, but I have locations for a few more - in no particular order:

Elstead - SU 904 442
Hungerford ish - SU 307 679 (been in this one, typical hexagonal type)
Marlborough - SU 187 686 (inside of the road junction by the river)
Usk - SO 375 012 (Unusual, on the old railway bridge)
Lavernock - ST 174 675 (Circular corrugated concrete type)
Yatesbury - SU 048 711 (something to do with the old airfield)
Spotted a few on Box Hill (the Surrey one) when I was down there to look at the old quarries so I thought i'd stick them up here.
th_PIC_0280.jpg Brockham Warren, TQ 1750 5150 Type 22.

th_PIC_0288.jpg Northwest of Brockham, TQ 190 508 Type 22 with a large embrasure for a heavy gun. Part demolished.

th_PIC_0003.jpg Near the Stepping Stones, TQ 1740 5114 Type 28 anti-tank box with a large mountings for heavy 6pdr. gun.

th_PIC_0009.jpg Upstream from the type 28, TQ 1742 5109 the remains of anti-tank/navigation obstacles on the R. Mole.
One on Martha's Mount (near St Martha's Church) on the outskirts of Guildford, unfortunately bricked up.

Found this one yesterday @ Torcross Devon
It's made of local stone and is a Vickers Type
You can only just about get in by crouching down, as the floor is covered in large pebbles
The bonus is, it's above a victorian drain outflow


Some more from Liverpool. Theres more in fields off Gorsey Lane by Sniggery Farm, Hightown. These two are the same type of box SD303023



This one below in Formby is the best thing ive seen so far around here, 30 foot, tanti-tank gun emplacement. SD308057 At junction of River Alt and Downholland Brook




Pair of elevated pillboxes built to defend the railway line in Bridgwater, Somerset.

Light machine gun embrasure.


Concrete blocks that would have been used for a roadblock,
there were another three or four hidden behind where this
pic was taken in the undergrowth.


More info on Somerset pillboxes here.
I have an interesting story given to me on good authority by someone not prone to bullsh*tting.

We have a large former airfield in a local town which is in a remarkably good state of preservation. It is now used as an industrial estate, with many buildings having been converted for further use. However...

A local building firm acquired a site for a depot which included in it's grounds a pillbox. This was apparently in an inconvenient position, so the owners took it upon themselves to flatten it.

The local authority got wind of this, and contacted the firm to inform them that they had in fact demolished a listed building. They were then faced with the options of a massive fine or a total rebuild at their own expense. They have apparently chosen the latter, and consequently now have a brand new pillbox sitting in the middle of their yard. Ha Ha Ha. :lol:

I will try to verify this story and get some pictures if I can. If nothing else it makes for an amusing urban myth.
Captain Hall wrote.
which may or may not be of interest to some of you

Certainly of interest to me and I bet quite a few others? As ever JH its
very fine work, your historical research is spot on and I really like your

Building foundations with the steps look to me like they were for a
temporary wooden structure, not wide enough for a Nissen hut by
the looks of it. The variant lmg post in the hillside is very interesting,
protection looks very poor and I dig the corrugated style roof.

B :)
Thanks, glad to know you found it interesting. Thanks also for the suggestion re: the building foundations, I might stick that in there as a 'possible.'
Captain Hall wrote.

Certainly of interest to me and I bet quite a few others? As ever JH its
very fine work, your historical research is spot on and I really like your

Building foundations with the steps look to me like they were for a
temporary wooden structure, not wide enough for a Nissen hut by
the looks of it. The variant lmg post in the hillside is very interesting,
protection looks very poor and I dig the corrugated style roof.

B :)

I agree with Bishop on the above JH
your research is beyond compare, well actually it is of the highest quality
and I''m sure you'll maybe go on to do a PhD
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