High Royds Lunatic Asylum - Menston, West Yorks - Jan 2009

Derelict Places

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Jun 18, 2008
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Some said it couldn't be done anymore, others said the Mortuary Slab had gone.

Historical Timeline:
Architect: Vickers Edwards
Built: 1884-1888
Opened 8.10.1888 - 1.1.1927: 1,807 "insane" of which all but 199 were Rate Aided. 873 were men, 934 women. In 1926 the proportion of recoveries to admissions was 34.7%. The proportion of deaths to the asylum population was 9.5%.
Became High Royds Hospital in 1963 - 1,152 staffed beds 31.12.1975
Autumn 2002 reported due for closure
Closing 2003. Maybe February. Site for sale.
Patients from last five wards to be transferred to the Mount Hospital, Clarendon Road, Leeds, on 25.2.2003

The Explore - All references to Buildings are based on the original 1888 plans
A visit to High Royds only came about after our original plan fell through. Setting off suitably early we drove through the dark for Two hours only stopping for the obligatory McDs McMuffins on the way.

We arrived and I wasn't too surprised to see how much more work had been done in the last 12 months. We quickly gained access to the huge perimeter.
We started to work our way between buildings keeping an eye on our location using various maps.
Many times we managed to get in places only to not be able to make it out of that room or no further than the end of the Corridor.
Contactors had obviously been very busy trying to keep Pikies and Urbexers alike out of the place.

Finally we got into the Sick & Infirm Block on the Male side and had a good mooch around It is very modern compared to some other areas. Its highlight was an observation room with fixed bed and dome mirrors in both corners, nice.

Next stop was the famous Admin Block. We stealthed it as much as possible, photographed as much as we dared and got out of there without detection, phew.

Sick & Infirm Block on the Female side was our next target, The building definitely looks like its being prepped for conversion now (unlike 12 months ago)

There's nothing really left on the Female side of the site now, it’s all converted, so we headed back to try and crack The Acute and Epileptic Blocks on the Male side.
We found a surprisingly straight forward way into the Acute Block (the first and last of the day lol). There were all sorts of random stuff lying about worth.The Epileptic Block beat us and so we moved on to try and confirm the rumour that the Mortuary Slab in the Morgue had gone.

Just getting in was a nightmare. Nearly every possible entry point has been bricked shut. Eventually and after much banging together of heads we got in.
I was the first to break the good and bad news to the guys regarding the Slab. It WAS still there, but it had been boxed in where it stood and had a tarp over the top.

Finally we did a perimeter walk all the way back round to get some cheeky shots of Admin from the front (now the sun was out) and then heading off to Harry Ramsdens for Celebratory Fish and Chips before setting off home. A satisfying yet hard days exploring was had by all.


You would thought they would have been removed













The Crew for the day
Last edited by a moderator:
I have had to cut out major chunks of your writeup as it contained way too much information on access and security. Please bare this in mind in the future.
Yeah some good pics you had some close calls with security by the look and sound of it but you did well .
wow! Its so good to see inside Admin again! I went 1st time in December 07 and managed to get in, next 2 times was unlucky!
Please check PM Cobra,
Thanks ;)