Leicesters Bow string railway bridge.

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I am merely inquiring and idly wondering what the budget is for all of that sort of stuff in Leicester ???? and....if that money were not so spent ........ would that be sufficient to put a coat of paint on that bridge every couple opf years ?????? Yes?? No???)

I would say they are completely different budgets for a start. There would be a council budget for maintenance of property and land so you have to look at how that's being spent and see where the money goes. I suspect the most likely option would be the closure of a playground or a community centre to fund the bridge and then it's no contest; the bridge has to go.

It's a shame the council didn't look at selling to private company or someone who'd look after it; especially as they sold it for £1.
.......sadly I can guess thats actually what will/would happen ....
those in the seats marked 'powers that be' will tear the bridge down because the descision to do so has very probably been completely and absolutely agreed upon quite some time ago and in complete disregard for whatsoever the people of Leicester may think or wish................
....I was of course:lol:.. and from an entirely personal point of view ....
...........merely pointing out...;)
..... and admittedly in my own occasionally sarcastic manner......
..... .which some people obviously 'get' and an awful lot don't....
........ that there is quite probably plenty of money sloshing around in various public purses in this country but that it is often spent on projects that do not nescessarily meet with great public approval........nor indeed projects that actually enhance the majority of the publics lifes in any way whatsoever....
...it is however ............deemed more 'correct' that we support such ..ahem...'projects'........
tsk tsk!.........what on earth was I thinking........bridges before humans indeed!.......
........... yes even the ones that couldn't give a flying monkies toss about the rest of society and exist within such society only to further their entirely personal requirements and objectives....like for example....getting smacked out of their brains................:neutral:
yer not a Social Worker by any chance are you Mr Lost ????
they sold the bridge for £1 and are also spending 473k of the councils bugdet to demolish it as well.

the bridge is unused because i beleive plans have been afoot for many yeears to sell this off to the university and they painted the said bridge with only gloss paint around 15 years ago.
At the time the painting contractor queryied the inferiour paint way back then and it was said that it was only temporary.

the bridge itself offers a very safe footpath over a very nasty road juction.

everything the council have done regarding the selling and destruction of this bridge has been done underhandedly and behind closed doors, the sort of thing you would expect to see from a cowboy development company and im sure there have been some nice cash backhanders along the way.

when they did a widlkife survey they only looked for bats on the bridge and not in the arches underneath.
also the structural survey pinpont 30 very bad points on the bridge when in fact at least 18 of the photos were of the same peice of metal but from different angles.
I wish I had seen this post a few weeks ago as i would have been there in a shot!It is a HUGE shame that this bridge will be gone soon!
the 5th of october is D Day as thats when the semolition contractors move in so make sure you are there then and watch the fun unfold with the protesters ect

a back in the day photo you can just see the pub bottom left corner cut in half by a long chimney
I know people are obviously very passionate about keeping this bridge but I have a question. If the bridge is to be retained how do you propose it is maintained and kept in good condition? It’s not actually in use and isn’t listed then surely keeping it is not viable.

Actually it did have a use after the railway as the beggining of the 'Great Central Way' footpath. A long strech of trackbed from Duns Lane to Glen Parva, including the Bowstring Bridge, was purchased by Leicester City Council for a token payment. The Council received a Manpower Services Commission grant to engage craftsmen to supervise young people refurbishing the bridge. A footpath was laid out and lighting, bins, and benches provided, and many other bridges along the route were also refurbished. In an age where the council are constantly complaining about traffic levels, this provided a popular route to walk or cycle in and out of the city.
From the councils point of view I guess it’s cheaper to maintain a normal road crossing than a bridge. I did say “if” it doesn’t have a use then keeping it wouldn’t be viable. I think I mentioned that turning such locations into public spaces would be a good idea.

Pity they decided not to really.
ive been down there this afternoon and the place is looking like fort knox with all the razor wire and new fences put up to keep people out. we went up the path onto the bridge and the workman told us to get off as his bosses have told them to ring the police if they have problems with people.

im sure they will have problems next week when the contractors move in, ive heard some very strong rumours of all kinds of plans.
ill be popping down in the week!;)
text me when you free WB and we can all meet:)
for a pint
I am so disappointed with Leicester City Council and De montfort uni(Demonfort) for allowing this bridge to be demolished.:(:(:(

They refubished the railway bridge over middleton st Aylestone a few years ago.why are they not refubishing this one,which is much more impressive.?

Demonfort have to much control over this city.Theres to many shady back handers going on.They only seem to be thinking of the money and the now.

I'm gutted :(:(:(
well monday is D DAY. thats when the contractors are offciallly moving in. the place is buil;t up like fort knox (well so they think) and there is more razor wire than alcatraz but there is a huge protest going to take place on monday, ill be there being active and will have the camera as we are currently taking bets on how many people chain themselves to the bridge.

if you want to give support come along on the day from 8am even if its just to stop by and see all the comotion.

this is a fine peice of local history that is being teared down and destroyed through a strong web of coruption.

what about the poor bats that have been seen underneath the bridge....hmmmm lets see the guy doing the survey was bunged £50 and he miossed them.
the planning permision needed to demolish the bridge.....oh yeah theve fopund a loophole in the law and they dont need it.
the lists of scandals
go on and on. the the favorite is the councellor in charge of all this being on the payroll of the uni. he is some kind of govenor there. this all seems very suspicios.

Any of the posters been put up yet, as not seen any? I fear the word has not been spread enough yet
to be honest rick i dont know if any have been made, we are trying to spread the word amongst the 4500+ facebook people but the word needs to get out as we are after numbers for the protest ive been asked to spread the word is much as i can and at the moment i can only do that sat at the PC
Hmm its a difficult one. The turnout for the 'official' one was dissapointing really. I dont think the facebook people are enough, as loads of them wont bother on the day, loads joined the group and never even bothered to sign the petition! I would print posters out, but got no ink at the mo :(
ive advertised it here and facebook and also gone through my freinds list for anybody living in the area also ive sent out a mass mail to people on the pumping staion group that may not know about it
Ah thats good mate, just a shame more people are not putting in the effort to get support, coz its gonna be needed! I'll be about of course!
there are a few of us leicester lto about here and some dont use facebook and probably have never heard of this, also the are many people that use DP from the local area and towns that may want to come and help support it, failing that im sure its going to be an intersting day out. possibly a few people getting out of hand and arrests, you never know at these demonstrations

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