matt we all know the problems of why it was left too late, there was a facebook group full of people wanting nothing but glory.
there are ways of stopping it and hindering it.
there are bats living in the arches, after spending the night on the bridge on thursday i saw and heard them for mysaelf rather than just beleiving what other people have said.
the bat conservation trust needs to be bombarded with emails from different people about this.
also the HSE needs to be bombarded with emails about the dangerously low razor wire around the lower perimeter.
but the usual problemn is you have lots of people with ideas but nobody bothers to follow their ideas up.
there are only 2 of us emailing the bat people and it needs a few more, at least if they see lots of mails it may get them to act quicker.
at the moment they are only removing the layer of dedbri and tarmac off the top of the bridge and no demolition has started yet, SO if we cant get the bat people to put an order on the bats then work will have to stop for a short while and that enables us to gain a little time.
ive been in contact with a personal freind of pete watermans regarding saving the bridge and hopefuly i should be recieving a call in the next day or so from him to see what he can do to help so we may get some celebrity help.
i know its all clutching at straws but now the group admins on the facebook dsite have realised that they cant do much they have stepped aside and let the dooers take over.