NKPS- 'The Bucket House' May '13

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perjury saint

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Apr 12, 2012
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'The Bucket House'

Bit of a sad , solemn place this one. How does it come to pass in this day and age that someone ends up living in a house with a roof that leaks so badly they are forced to fill the rooms with buckets to catch the ingress of rain water? The old lady who lived here was, at some point, a nurse, so you would presume she was of a caring nature. But did nobody care about her? Did her mental state deteriorate causing her to shun anyone trying to help? What would make her board some of the windows from the inside? Its not a remote location, there are plenty of people around and the state of the house is pretty obvious! I dont suppose we'll get the answers to any of these questions now that she is sadly gone...
I guess you'll draw your own conclusions...

As always, thanks for looking
Over to NK for some more pix now...
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makes you wonder dosnt it, enjoyed that, loving the uniform and passport

Sorry; there is nothing to enjoy about these images, lessons to be learnt and acted upon - definitely! As I have stated before on similar reports, whilst the individual circumstances here are unique, this type of situation can be found over the whole of the UK - from major city to small rural hamlet. If we stop taking the images at face value and study the content, it is possible to piece together a set of circumstances that are unfortunately all to common today. I think we had here an unmarried woman who devoted her time to nursing and Religion, and who remained living in her late Victorian family home. Why did she remain? The two photographs of the young woman are perhaps a clue - was this her mother and did the daughter look after her in that very house? In the photograph reflected in the mirror, the woman is wearing a square or rectangular 'broach' on her left lapel and I have seen similar shaped items from around 1905/10 that indicated a 'nursing' background.

And finally - before I bore you all to death - the crop on the coat hooks indicates that the owner of the house in the early 1900's drove their own carriage - a professional man of some standing perhaps? A search of the local census returns may prove very interesting.

So the poor woman was living on a pittance (hence the lack of property maintenance), surrounded by an uncaring modern society who are only interested in themselves and bothered by rowdy youths at night ( hence the windows boarded from inside). So I suggest we all stick our iPhones where the sun don't shine, because we are living in a really shit world - Hopefully if we continue to see good and sensitive reports like this, things might change. I really hope that in fifty years time there is not another old moan like me going on in the same vein on some similar web site. Up to the younger generation then!
Very emotive post. I would like to point out that the crop is a hunting whip not a driving whip. However a forebear could have been a hunt master, whipper in or a member, stations suggesting some standing in the community.