The Hoarder's House, June '11

Derelict Places

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A great collection of cars too. I wonder how many people could identify the green car between the Capri and the HA Viva, it's by far the rarest of the lot.

Looks like the semi legendary Talbot Tagora - quite possibly the blandist car ever built
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brilliant find

this find is so much like the jimmy blanche home. i thought that was a one off but it proves there are other people that live as hermitscollecting everything that is important to them. i do love these finds they to me are better than any industrial site or ww2, to think that man lived in that house did he die there how long was he dead. morbid yes but sad as well, this was someones life. this is were we are important, recording the way things were / are the life of a man befor the pikeys chaves or just the eliments destroy it. thank you for that. wonder if he still watched his porn up to the end yuk.
Thanks everybody - I'll be revisiting soon to have a further rummage, armed with disposable gloves and a dust mask.

Great report, what an amazing place. Out of interest, what sort of dates were the newspapers?

The latest ones we found were dated around 2007ish if I remember correctly - they went back decades though
Outstanding find ! some of the things in the pictures like the Micky Mouse Peep Scope and the sixties TV are amazing. Its such a pity that it will all end up stolen or burned rather than in a museum where it belongs

Can't an approrpiate and sympathetic place such as a museum be made aware of this stuff precisely so that it can be preserved? What does the law say about that sort of thing? I mean, I know it's technically still somebody's stuff as in the heir(s) of the original owners because I presume the house is abandoned due to death... it's a crying shame to see such interestting stuff rotting away! I suupose not...
I paid a revisit today and found some people off of here (you know who you are!) who'd discovered it by doing some detective work of their own - My report was posted by some numpty on a Mini forum and the Mini and Jaguar have now 'mysteriously vanished' as well as a few choice items from the house.

Still an amazing rummage though, and it was nice to meet some new people totally by accident! Thanks to you all for a great day even if I only spoke to you briefly.

It seems the cat is already out the bag in some circles and I could do nothing to stop it short of not posting at all:(

Anyway here are a few more pics...I found the cards especially poignant.















More images are in the flickr sets.

mooks so now its over at least 2 other sites can you whisper were it is please befor its to late.
deja vue

excellent post and pics mate.:)

pity the scavangers have visited:mad: .....I had that problem with the one and only thread I did,I'm not doing anymore,someone found out where it was and helped themselves to the poor old dears personal items,I was livid :mad:
car mongrels

once again your info and pics are good, its the car numptys that are not.

the abandond car thread has more views than any other post which leads me to believe people have joined this site just to get locations of vehicles in order to steal the whole car or raccoon away parts. or am i generalising too much ?

no wonder they keep asking krela for cars to have their own section. its sad and not what we about surely.

maybe the Mods can get together for a solution or remedy before it esculates ?

am i the only one who thinks this way?

im going to bed depressed
Same as this forum and others like it have the pikey scum and chavvy lowlife watching them, car forums also have the same type of idiots on there just looking for things to steal - and from what I gather the cars at least have been known about on one of the car forums for ages so they are no big secret to the classic car community, there were loads more cars out the back at one stage and they have all gone, and the recent drag marks inside the barn and shed indicated that there were cars there until not so long ago.
Nice one Mooks, I could spend all weekend in there mooching around all that stuff.

It's like a retro jumble sale, what was the porno like? :p
Same as this forum and others like it have the pikey scum and chavvy lowlife watching them, car forums also have the same type of idiots on there just looking for things to steal - and from what I gather the cars at least have been known about on one of the car forums for ages so they are no big secret to the classic car community, there were loads more cars out the back at one stage and they have all gone, and the recent drag marks inside the barn and shed indicated that there were cars there until not so long ago.

yes a bit green of me to assume it wasnt posted elsewhere, i was just writting with disapointment in my fingers last nite. who knows if it was the mini guys or not whove taken. at least you know the other guys there at the time now and if places like this are common knowledge on car sites then maybe we shouldnt aid them and the abandond car threads should be taken off. i dunno, thinking aloud really

things wont hang around long now that is certain and maybe you should let others on here know the location to give them a chance to see it. i am not a member of any other similar group and dont really want to be so i only see whats on here.

thanks again mook your threads are good. THEMOUSEPOLICE (THAT NEVER SLEEPS)
I paid a revisit today and found some people off of here (you know who you are!) who'd discovered it by doing some detective work of their own - My report was posted by some numpty on a Mini forum and the Mini and Jaguar have now 'mysteriously vanished' as well as a few choice items from the house.

Still an amazing rummage though, and it was nice to meet some new people totally by accident! Thanks to you all for a great day even if I only spoke to you briefly.

It seems the cat is already out the bag in some circles and I could do nothing to stop it short of not posting at all:(

Anyway here are a few more pics...I found the cards especially poignant.

More images are in the flickr sets.
Problem is with places like that is there is always some one who lives nearby and knows where it is, the mini being a Mk1 is as rare as hens teeth and some one is always willing to try restoring it. The items that were taken can be sold on ebay or auction if they are worth anything. It's a sad world we live in that lowlife just take with no regard to others just to make a few quid. :mad: You would have proably been better just showing some of the derilict parts and leving the choice bit's for a later time. BTW how long befro the toy's go.
yes a bit green of me to assume it wasnt posted elsewhere, i was just writting with disapointment in my fingers last nite. who knows if it was the mini guys or not whove taken. at least you know the other guys there at the time now and if places like this are common knowledge on car sites then maybe we shouldnt aid them and the abandond car threads should be taken off. i dunno, thinking aloud really

things wont hang around long now that is certain and maybe you should let others on here know the location to give them a chance to see it. i am not a member of any other similar group and dont really want to be so i only see whats on here.

thanks again mook your threads are good. THEMOUSEPOLICE (THAT NEVER SLEEPS)

this is true, i dont wont to cause up set but the site im band from but can still read posts now had the exact same thread. mooks you may have put it on others as well its none of my buisness but this is how it doesnt take long to work things out if these people know what they are looking for. we cannot piont fingers at anyone even tho the offenders did put remarks in the dust please give us people a clue so we can find it and have a chance to see the priceless place befor its all gone.
Yes there is a whole big debate raging on the 'other forum' now - all it took was one person to say 'oh this should have been in non-public' for it to start.

And in hindsight maybe it should have stayed quiet for a bit - but my reasoning behind it was that whatever time I posted this in public the result would be the same, and the place would always end up stripped. I'd rather it has it's moment of glory on here than be hidden away on my hard drive for nobody to ever see, as I never don't show things I find on here and other forums. It's naive to believe that just because I don't show it, it means it won't be ruined or stripped anyway, and from conversations with others this place was going to be made public very soon anyway.

This place is a true once in a blue moon find, and to me at least it is important it got shown regardless of the consequences from members of the light-fingered community. The place is not unknown about at all, we were not the first inside the house as it had already been turned over and night crawler is right, the local scum always know where these places are without having to consult the forums - a heras fence is just an invitation for idiocy. However there was no way of just showing the derelict parts, the house is way too small so whatever photos I got of the rooms would have included loads of it anyway.
That's a real shame things have gone missing.

I for one enjoyed looking at your photos so thanks for sharing.
Yes there is a whole big debate raging on the 'other forum' now - all it took was one person to say 'oh this should have been in non-public' for it to start.

And in hindsight maybe it should have stayed quiet for a bit - but my reasoning behind it was that whatever time I posted this in public the result would be the same, and the place would always end up stripped. I'd rather it has it's moment of glory on here than be hidden away on my hard drive for nobody to ever see, as I never don't show things I find on here and other forums. It's naive to believe that just because I don't show it, it means it won't be ruined or stripped anyway, and from conversations with others this place was going to be made public very soon anyway.

This place is a true once in a blue moon find, and to me at least it is important it got shown regardless of the consequences from members of the light-fingered community. The place is not unknown about at all, we were not the first inside the house as it had already been turned over and night crawler is right, the local scum always know where these places are without having to consult the forums - a heras fence is just an invitation for idiocy. However there was no way of just showing the derelict parts, the house is way too small so whatever photos I got of the rooms would have included loads of it anyway.

yes your 100% correct. this place could of been trashed and stripped without any of us seeing it and someone else was bound to post it some place anyway, in time. you are to be comended or promoted as your 'invitation for idiocy' quote sums it up. thank you once again
Just an amazing place. So sad to think it will inevitably get robbed and chaved. :(
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