I Was Reading This In College For Ages, & Even My Tutors Loved It!
& It Is Truly A Blue Moon Find! Its A Dam Shame About Things & Cars Going Missing...
& It Is Truly A Blue Moon Find! Its A Dam Shame About Things & Cars Going Missing...
Yes there is a whole big debate raging on the 'other forum' now - all it took was one person to say 'oh this should have been in non-public' for it to start.
And in hindsight maybe it should have stayed quiet for a bit - but my reasoning behind it was that whatever time I posted this in public the result would be the same, and the place would always end up stripped. I'd rather it has it's moment of glory on here than be hidden away on my hard drive for nobody to ever see, as I never don't show things I find on here and other forums. It's naive to believe that just because I don't show it, it means it won't be ruined or stripped anyway, and from conversations with others this place was going to be made public very soon anyway.
This place is a true once in a blue moon find, and to me at least it is important it got shown regardless of the consequences from members of the light-fingered community. The place is not unknown about at all, we were not the first inside the house as it had already been turned over and night crawler is right, the local scum always know where these places are without having to consult the forums - a heras fence is just an invitation for idiocy. However there was no way of just showing the derelict parts, the house is way too small so whatever photos I got of the rooms would have included loads of it anyway.
Well i was interested in the cars and i wanted one.... but... i wanted to do it the legal way because half of these cars are extremely rare and deserve a fighting chance to be restored and maybe to go on the road once again and to obviously be treasured by the collector. I will assure you that ive not been down there taking them as i still dont know of the place or its location.
However i would love to know where it is because really... would you prefer these cars being hacked to pieces by stupid chavvy pikeys or to them going to collector and seeing them at classic car shows? your choice, give it 6months and they probably wont exist anymore let alone the belongings in that house.
You need to act quick!
went today. anything of relative value is missing from the house
Inevitable really, it was doomed the minute it got outed.