The Hoarder's House, June '11

Derelict Places

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I Was Reading This In College For Ages, & Even My Tutors Loved It!

& It Is Truly A Blue Moon Find! Its A Dam Shame About Things & Cars Going Missing...
Yes there is a whole big debate raging on the 'other forum' now - all it took was one person to say 'oh this should have been in non-public' for it to start.

And in hindsight maybe it should have stayed quiet for a bit - but my reasoning behind it was that whatever time I posted this in public the result would be the same, and the place would always end up stripped. I'd rather it has it's moment of glory on here than be hidden away on my hard drive for nobody to ever see, as I never don't show things I find on here and other forums. It's naive to believe that just because I don't show it, it means it won't be ruined or stripped anyway, and from conversations with others this place was going to be made public very soon anyway.

This place is a true once in a blue moon find, and to me at least it is important it got shown regardless of the consequences from members of the light-fingered community. The place is not unknown about at all, we were not the first inside the house as it had already been turned over and night crawler is right, the local scum always know where these places are without having to consult the forums - a heras fence is just an invitation for idiocy. However there was no way of just showing the derelict parts, the house is way too small so whatever photos I got of the rooms would have included loads of it anyway.

fair does your call mate, on what you do or report i would guess like you say local chav's now about it as you say, an well there are explorers with eBay tendencies we know off.

nice pics all the same interesting stuff:) one of the reasons why i no longer post fresh places up much now and the same goes for a number of other Scottish explorers i now off. Just one of those things its all down to a personal call by the explorer who visits, there is nothing written in stone saying you have to share or not things , its a call made by the explorer guys.The only way to see stuff is get yourself out and do it if you really want to see it. Then its your choice and its all individual choices so chill out:)
Wonderful Find. Did you manage to take a photograph of the 'photogograph of the wife outside the cottage' that you discovered in the draw? Would be interesting to see what the previous owner looked like.
mookster - At least you got there in time to record what there has been, and that is great!

I don't think that, in our day and age, these places can be kept secret. I have, however, decided a while ago to withhold info concerning locations (unless a place is widely known already) in public posts. But as has been said already by other contributors, people will find them sooner or later, and some are only too happy to let everybody else know, after they've been there and taken their pictures. :neutral:
Well I can see who could be to blame for posting the pictures considering they use the same avatar on both forums. The temptation was too great for some one to make a quick buck on and there are some unscrupulous people only too willing to take advantage.

ok crawler, ill be looking at avitars now. mmm miss marples isnt my middle name for nothing. oh and murphy did darken my door, but thats a different story lol.

Well i was interested in the cars and i wanted one.... but... i wanted to do it the legal way because half of these cars are extremely rare and deserve a fighting chance to be restored and maybe to go on the road once again and to obviously be treasured by the collector. I will assure you that ive not been down there taking them as i still dont know of the place or its location.

However i would love to know where it is because really... would you prefer these cars being hacked to pieces by stupid chavvy pikeys or to them going to collector and seeing them at classic car shows? your choice, give it 6months and they probably wont exist anymore let alone the belongings in that house.

You need to act quick!
Well i was interested in the cars and i wanted one.... but... i wanted to do it the legal way because half of these cars are extremely rare and deserve a fighting chance to be restored and maybe to go on the road once again and to obviously be treasured by the collector. I will assure you that ive not been down there taking them as i still dont know of the place or its location.

However i would love to know where it is because really... would you prefer these cars being hacked to pieces by stupid chavvy pikeys or to them going to collector and seeing them at classic car shows? your choice, give it 6months and they probably wont exist anymore let alone the belongings in that house.

You need to act quick!

Me thinks you're too late, & every man & his horse n cart is on the case but anything is worth a try.

Why does everybody keep asking for the location, it's not exactly difficult to obtain this now with a little time & effort without asking on forums or bugging Mookster for the location.

I for one would love to see the cars end up in the right hands & restored to their former glory so good luck!
Once again I'm appalled to see such touching history being destroyed by scum bags. The stuff you have shown us is amazing. By the way, I used to have some of that talc years ago...
I am so sorry the scavengers found this place, it must be one of the best finds ever posted, as I said in my first reply, Thanks for Sharing (I wouldn’t have) but it was your find and your choice and your right to post, sometimes we have to learn from our own mistakes.
Stay Safe.
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went today. anything of relative value is missing from the house (1960's reel to reel porn, various projectors, nik-naks, old toys, boxed games etc). this is recent, last 5 days.
took the oppotunity to record all registration numbers of vehicles and where i could all details on plate inside the bonnets
someone has attempted to 'dig out' the mk 1 capri from where it sits and the citroen DS as been disturbed and maybe poised to go next.
stopped short of contacting CID but through some disscussions with locals and the 2 nearest dwellings i learnt alot and things are progressing. thats all about i can say.

have lots of pictures and may if its the correct thing to do, post them on here. may omit the car pics as theives riding on the back of 'our' site doesnt sit too well with me
Inevitable really, it was doomed the minute it got outed.

yes ive been through the emotions of what is correct and the why and should we shouldnt we etc. the enevitablity of it all is the only answer wether we are part of it or not. doesnt make it right but hey what can we do................
so before everyone is pig sick of the subject and the location i will post some pics from today in a minute and give jolly mooksters page a rest. thank you Bang
This was the best find of an abandoned house I've seen this year. I too loved the pictures of classic toys and vintage porn. The 50's TV was a gem.

I have been watching the debate raging over the last few days about the items taken taken / stolen from the site, not to mention the cars that have been taken, and should such special finds be posted or kept secret

The great thing about DP is that these finds are shared and posted. However, I think we could all learn a lesson from this. I personally would have posted the interior pics of the house without any reference to the cars, so that the light fingered lot would not be give a clue as to where it.

As for posting the cars I would have made a separate post at a later date. These cars would have been taken away at some time or other, by someone or 'others'. The one occasion I found a rare car that had been abandoned and forgotten, I contacted someone I knew who would do the right thing and see it was rescued by a restorer.

Keep the reports coming, we just all have to think about how we post finds!:)
WOW!!! You are so lucky to have seen this when you did.....wonderful photos...
The bottom line is though this place would have had the same outcome if I posted it or the next bugger who stumbled across it posted it, the place wasn't unknown about this has just dramatically accelerated it's decline.

But where is the fun in not sharing things? Keeping them hidden away on a hard drive because you deem them 'too good' is just selfish. I go to places for them to be seen, I don't keep photos tucked away because half the fun is sharing what we find with others. Those who post saying 'oh I go to places but don't post them up' are either full of ******** or just purely selfish.
*edit* now resolved. Proved not guilty by association.
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