The house of the colonel

Derelict Places

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I don't understand your question. Maybee its about me(as read and read your note again), well than I can say that I explore for many years now. In first I was very carefull and thought that I could not enter places like this. Nowadays it doesn't scare me off and go and take a look. For this location I am shure that its abandoned. In Pic6 it seems to be a normal situation but when I had lowered the camera you could see that I stood in the mess of the front room. Maybee this is an answer on your question.

Do not worry, Lucky Pants was just exhibiting a bit of our weird English sense of humour. Just imagine the house is owned by a DP member who was sitting at that computer an planning an explore just before you entered and took photo 6. Lucky Pants was asking which of us on here were sitting there - if you see what I mean. If one has to explain a joke it is no longer a joke!