Nice shots, interesting to see another Shard report. Made for a good read too!
not impressed with this group at all, attention seekers never do impress me haven seen all the news crap !
not impressed with this group at all, attention seekers never do impress me haven seen all the news crap !
Same here.
Guys, not wishing to turn this into a debate but people who push boundaries will always attract attention and rightly so, I suppose its the essence of exploration of all kinds from the beginning of time, sometimes, it's what it takes to push people to try new and risky things.
Guys, not wishing to turn this into a debate but people who push boundaries will always attract attention and rightly so.
That's simply not true, what the Sun printed here was "Here he writes for The Sun to explain what it is like to scale Europe’s tallest building and why he risks his life to explore the hidden gems of the world’s cities."The major point that a lot of people seem to have missed, is that Dr Garrett didn't go running to the press shouting PRINT THIS PRINT THIS.
Arguably there are no positive outcomes for the "community", but set against that there is the kudos gained and any money which Bradley Garrett made from the images being published. I'm sure I'm not the only one who recalls his rhetoric when he first appeared on various forums as goblinmerchant – strangely he didn't mention being a Murdoch stooge as his objective?Of course, if you'd rather let the press run wild with a report that you produced and not utter a corrective word to them then be my guest. Although you'd be doing a lot more harm to the community than good that way.